Let's Go Mavs Blog Insults DU Players
We have three female bloggers in the WCHA (who all have awesome blogs, by the way) and they always seems to have content that ranks players by looks.

Whether its Tech Hockey Blog trying to sleep with SCSU's Captain Casey Borer or Runnin' With The Dogs All-Hottie Team and now Let's Go Mavs ranking of all DU's players by looks.

Talk about a tough grading scale. I hope she doesn't rank the WCHA Bloggers by looks next.


LetsGoMavs said...

In all fairness...none of the teams get good quality pictures taken. Perhaps next season I should take a vacation from work to go out and take the pictures for their roster myself!!

I'm always open to persuasion, based on photos..so you'll have to provide me with pix that prove they're "hot".

LetsGoMavs said...

Oh, and if you post your pic I'll tell you if you're hot or not. Of course, I've got a soft spot in my heart for Kappa Sigmas...so you've got that going for you:)

I'm a realist about the looks though...just check out what I said about a few of my precious Mavs (the rundown with them is in my archive...probably Oct. or Nov.)

dggoddard said...

Here's my pic from my playing days...


LetsGoMavs said...

Smart alec!! You only wish you were Magnuson!!

Oh, and he's NOT hot in that picture. Opie, minus the tooth, is not a hot look!

DC said...

Cracka, please. What do you think my trip to Denver is going to accomplish? Don't think I won't be passing judgement on you.

I hope you've booked your trip.