LetsGoDU Obtains "Old School" Boone Photos

(above) 1990 DU Cheerleading squad poses with Boone head. Note instuctors wearing Boone T-shirts

(above) Boone, always popular with the ladies, poses with cheerleaders in front of Schwayder Art building

(above) Paper mache Boone in October 1989 on ATO and Gamma Phi Beta's Homecoming float

(above) Boone was always B.M.O.C. "Big Mascot On Campus"

Thanks goes out to "Boone Fan Forever" for sending us these awesome photos of Boone in the late '80s & early '90s. She's a fan of LetsGoDU and Denver Boone.

If you have a cool picture of Boone in an unusual location, we'll post your photo. The "Bring Boone Movement" can no longer be contained.


Anonymous said...

What a creepy character lol. hahah great throwback though...most prolific though today: regardless of whoever wins the election, Joe the Plumber supports DU. Hell yes.

Eric J. Burton said...

Hey DG pictures from you DU college days? :)

dggoddard said...

Nah. I put the "OLD" in Old School. DU 1983-88. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey there's the Alpha Tau Omega house that's now the parking garage and rick's center. Is the paper mache boone sitting on some kind of western buggy wagon?

Would fraternities be fined if they used Boone in a homecoming event, fundraiser or other event under the current administration's views? I would like to see one of the houses have a Boone Event in the coming months.

CC game tomorrow night. Can I get some people to head out to the Campus Lounge in their Boone hats and join me for beers before the game? That place is truly old school and the perfect location for people who value nostalgia.

dggoddard said...

I'll pass the word about Campus Lounge pre-game.

Important that if you see any students or fans wearing Boone stuff on Friday, you tell them "good job."