"Boone's fate at DU isn't a trivial matter. It's an opportunity to reverse the tide of identity politics and insufferable political correctness on at least one college campus. If I were DU's chancellor, I'd listen more attentively to the common-sense urgings of the great majority of alumni and students, and welcome Boone back with open arms."- Mike Rosen
DU Alum radio personality Mike Rosen wrote an editorial in Friday's Rocky Mountain News about the DU mascot issue. Rosen hosts Denver's most popular local radio talk show on 850 KOA. He holds an MBA degree from the University of Denver and his Mike Rosen Show covers politics, lifestyles, entertainment, sports.
Rosen has been outspoken in his support for the Boone logo on his radio show and was quoted last month in a Washington Times article about DU's mascot flap.
Mike Rosen's radio show airs weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon on 850 KOA.
Rosen has been outspoken in his support for the Boone logo on his radio show and was quoted last month in a Washington Times article about DU's mascot flap.
Mike Rosen's radio show airs weekdays from 9 a.m. to noon on 850 KOA.
Chancellor Coombes must have choked on his double nonfat latte cuppichino this morning when he read the Rocky Mountain News.
What an awesome way to kick off "The Thousand Fan March Weekend."
This is your blog DG, but this love fest you have with this right wing nut Rosen is getting to be a bit tedious...
Say it ain't so ...
A right wing nutjob that is a DU Alum?
Can it be?
HAHA go get 'em DG. Rosen is right on (no pun intended) and really not a right wing nut. Who cares what political side he or you or I is on, isn't that missing the point of sports or the cause for Boone? Isn't this supposed to bring us all together? I mean so what if Obama is going to destroy America, we on here all love DU hockey and all related. Keep up the good work.
A commenter on Mike's story had a good point. He said,
"He (Daniel Boone) fought as an officer in the militia in the Revolutionary War and he was captured in 1778 by the Shawnees (fighting with the British) and was adopted into the tribe."Boone was adopted into a Shawnee family at Chillicothe, perhaps into the family of Chief Blackfish himself, and given the name Sheltowee ("Big Turtle")."
The best part was, he concludes with, "Monica Kumar can go to hell."
There you go DG - you have a real love fest going. You are in good company. By the way, Rosen is not about DU Hockey - he is about politics. And don't all of you remember when we all loved how the Sioux were getting their mascot run under the bus? Where were you then?
I have to I've never heard anyone specifically say that Mike Rosen ISN'T a right wing nutjob before, since he so obviously is.
That said, as much as I hate to agree with an a-hole like Mike Rosen, I do think that the U has over-reacted with Boone.
Listen, who cares if he is left wing, right wing or gull wing. His support of Boone is the issue. Apparently some people don't get the point of having Rosen support our cause.
I agree with Duper, but this cause had a lot more merit until you got Rosen and his ilk in the mix. You can count me out at this point - I won't be supporting a cause that has nothing to do with school spirit and more to do with screaming about so-called "liberal" political correctness agendas and similar hate-filled rantings. A bit of counsel: Choose your friends a bit more carefully DG.
Hey- on the other side of the spectrum, Obama is in full favor of a playoff, even he is quite leftist- a policy even most right wing nutjobs support... what does it matter in this instance? Let's all get way behind Boone. I'm not necessarily a big fan of Boone, but a huge opponent about how students and alumni have been treated by school administration- its a disgrace, just one more example of how the dollar and image holds much more value over the wellbeing of the people who make the University what it is. It would still be DU without a huge marketing contract with athletics, or a politically correct stance towards "women" or "minorities," but without STUDENTS, there is NO UNIVERSITY.
Anon 11:05, DG and pretty much all of the other DU posters were in favor of UND keep the Fighting Sioux as their nickname and their logo. Go back and check all of the threads on USCHO.com regarding the Fighting Sioux issue. Old Pio had some classic posts in those threads.
Well there you have it. You now have a crazy-eyed fanatic on your side so if that is your intent and you think this is going to lend credibility to the cause, you should be satisfied. I certainly have better causes to champion than anything he stands for.
Another sign of the Rocky going down the tubes?
If Al Franken was a DU grad and was "pro-Boone" we'd publish that as well. :-)
We want people to be passionate about DU; the school, the teams, the students, the academics.
The great thing about school spirit is that its a tremendous equalizer.
You turds who refuse to support the Boone cause simply becuase of Rosen need to get your heads out of your asses. If you can't identify and comprehend the larger issue here go take a flying leap.
Agreed with anon 2:26. It's not great that a "nut job" is behind Boone, but another example of support for the cause by someone who, for better or worse, is prominent in the community. If you're offended by Boone because of Rosen, go up to CU and hang out with political alarmists in Boulder.
People should not be so super critical under the "Anonymous" Banner. At least give a handle, name, abbreviation, location, College team, etc.
Obama will get your internet. He want's to use it spy on Bush. I read it on a blog. So it has to be true...
Spoken brilliantly by someone who calls himself "tt". Good grief.
Thanks, Charlie Brown.
... and at least I use a handle, which was the basic point of my post.
Too many words or something to get that point across to you?
Yep - this isn't, and never has been, about hockey - much less DU school spirit.
Huh?? You don't think mascots/logos/nicknames and school spirit are related???
Not my point. This is degenerating into a bunch of rants about being politically correct and now, apparently, anti- Boulder. Rosen needs a cause to bash people he hates - like the so-called liberal "political alarmists in Boulder" (see above). Now that is pretty tolerant, isn't it? I am all about school spirit, mascots, etc. I just choose to avoid causes that shallow right-wing idiots write editorials about.
The retards are out in full force today....
Your honor, I rest my case...
5:08.....what planet are you from, homeboy?? Anti-Boulder?? Since when did this Boone discussion morph into anti-Boulder?? No one here gives a rip about Boulder. Are you a CC fan or just bitter because your bottle of patchouli ran out?
I swear I give up. You are all a bunch of morons. Read this thread and read Rosen's editorials. You all deserve each other. And it happens that I was a DU Hockey fan when you were probably in grade school - homeboy - most likely long before Rosen was.
Yeah, we are the morons and you're the smart one. Whatever.
While it can be argued that any publicity is good publicity... I think it's important to note that the comment's on Rosen's article, Rosen himself, and those on this blog that pinpoint the students leader, Monica, as the spokesperson on this issue as the "Princess of PC" are wildly mistaken. The University of Denver should be the spokesperson on the issue and making comments that should not be taken out of context. For the past months, Monica has been a steward to the students and inappropriately framed for the political correctness of the Boone issue. Those who care about the University of Denver, including Damien himself, have asserted time and time again that this is less an issue about a mascot and more an issue about school spirit, pride, and students enjoying their experience. The focus should be on students showing up to hockey games, being politically active and engaged, proud to wear crimson and gold, and not about attacking a student leader.
All we can hope is that the University makes an official statement on the matter, as it obviously has not died.
Hope to see you all at Spanky's and at the game sometime this evening!
Wow! Finally someone with a conscience and a brain. I'm glad someone understood what I was driving at. I was beginning to believe that everyone on this blog was into sarcasm, hate, and intolerance. Take note DG. Thank you Jason L.
Yeah, everyone on this blog is hateful and intolerant. Who's the smart one here??
There you go DG - I think you have your high minded following you were looking for. Good luck with that.
12:51....get off your high horse. Your myopic postings are comical. Once again, if you think everyone who supports Boone is also aligned with Rosen, is intolerant, derides Kumar and whatever else you're beyond dense. The Boone issue IS about school spirit and building unity. Rosen is one person...just because Rosen chimed in to support Boone doesn't mean we all agree with everything he says. Try separating the issues here, and quit your pissing and moaning.....
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