how awful is that, we start to get into the game and they get fluke goal. no one knows where the puck is. Martin playing like crap and Jon Lee is in way over his head. We need the rubberband man. Remember last year how much this team struggled when Ruegs was out.
i dont think that Miami is playing that good...i think they are an average team. i also dont think DU overlooked Miami. furthermore, i think DU is banged up/playing poorly. Lastly, i think that people were expecting WAY too much from Bozak on the return. Like i said, Miami is not that great, but they are playing is DU that is not playing like DU(for various reasons).
Ruegs makes all the difference in the world, he's the hustle player. When he's out, the team doesn't hustle. isn't that obvious from the last two games. DU only beat the badgers because the badgers were psychologically destroyed by DU in Madison in February.
No excuses! An absolutely ugly showing--worst effort of the season a terrible way to end it! D standing around with their heads up their @#$#! 11 shots through 2 periods?
While the Pios weren't sharp all night tonight, I do think this could have been a dramatically different day if the linesmen hadn't blown the offsides call in the 1st. DU had a clearly on-sides 2-on-1 which easily could have been a goal, or at least a momentum changer, but it was blown down. Obviously, the refs don't determine the outcome of the game, and the Pios were absolutely terrible tonight, but that could have been the spark they needed relatively early in the game.
Despite the score, Chevy was great tonight. He had some loose rebounds, but with all of the fantastic chances that he denied, he's allowed those. He wasn't able to steal this one, but he gave them a chance if the people in front of him had played better.
Sometimes, the hockey Gods just aren't with you. Tonight was the night that every rush seemed to be offsides, every pass happened to hop, and random shots off the glass bounced in front of the net. What is encouraging is that this team does not lose much in its senior class. Three players who have worked hard, but never been accused of having too much talent. There is a bright future for DU in the next couple of years!
I think of this team as the Ruegsegger/Rahkshani team. Just like 04 was the Berkhoel/Gauthier Caldwell Team/ and 05 was the Stastny/Carle team.
It's been very typical of the last two seasons. This team had the talent to go all the way. They can't win big games, The CC game this year, the ST Cloud game, too soft. the only "big game they have won the last three years was the 2008 Final Five and that was against a Minnesota team that had no legs left for the finale. I'm looking forward to a new squad to lead the way. This current leadership can't get it done, they're too soft, the efforts lacks. When they win its hard to see that fact, but when they lose it's very obvious. I hope the Rahkshani and Ruegs jump. The program needs a fresh start
You'd think after last week's beat down they would of learned a few things but I guess not. Watching this game I didn't see any intensity, grit or passion until the 3rd period. Fact of the matter is Miami came to play today... we didn't.
DU ran out of gas this season and I guess the finger pointing can begin.
I really think that the problem was a lack of depth. By not rolling four lines and having reserves ready to go in suits DU wore down and suffered injuries.
Its very hard for DU, because at $50,000 per year DU can't attract walk-ons like Sconnie & the Gophers. Salazar showed how valuable a walk-on can be and if we could get a couple of more players like that we'd be set.
DG, while walk-ons bring a lot to a team. Tonight's result did not seem to be from a lack of depth. This team had the ability on all of its lines to score goals. However, they were not ready to play. It had nothing to do with how Miami played. DU has seen aggressive forechecks this season. Tonight, they pulled one of the infamous 2004 regular season not ready on Friday night acts. They may have practiced well all week, but the guys either didn't think Miami posed a real threat or they just lost their competitiveness somewhere without knowing it.
You know they all thought they all played hard, but obviously they weren't sharp. George will put the blame on himself for not having them ready, but it isn't on him. He did what he could this week. It's not even the leadership's fault. There's only so much they can do. Sometimes, a feeling just flows through a team and they can't do anything about it, as hard as they try. Tonight was one of those nights.
DG's right. The team faded due to depth, youth and injuries, folks. They fell behind in four of the last five games because they were running on fumes. The last two games, they were beaten into oblivion because they had nothing left to give.
In the Championship seasons, DU had older, more veteran teams that could withstand the meatgrinder. This young team got beaten down by injury and just ran out of gas.
Remain calm. All teams have gone through this before, including us top dogs. There will be a summer and there will be another season. Let the sun rise!
I think the comment about the scholastic achievements of this team should not be over looked. This is a huge achievement and both the students and the athletic department are to be congratulated.
It might be nice to send Gwoz an email thanking him and his staff for all of their efforts and to thank the team for all of their hard work
Right from the beginning you could see the Pio's had no jump. A couple players were skating like Rahkshani and Ostrow after that everybody was sleeping out there no emotion. These two players were making things happen every time they were on the ice. I think Ostrow is one of the most over looked players on the team he doesn't get the ice as do the Bozaks, Rahkshanis and Ruegs and plays on the second lines but his numbers are still up there. Pat Rooney and Chambers have seen it and maybe they know something Ostrow may not be around much longer either.
Hey Highway @ & 35 - my condolences on the Susies loss to New Hampshire. True, the sun will rise tomorrow but then the residents of Grand Forks will have to face the reality that they live in North Dakota. That has got to be tough.
It is always good to see "Little BYU" on gameday.
So it's settled -- If we lose tonight, I'm dropping out of DU.
I hope you're not Joe Colborne. :-)
No effing way!! Air Force smoked Michigan!!
Our armed forces just keep giving and giving. Mile high salute to you boys...
Pathetic first. It looks just like the last game. 6 unanswered goals. This season smells like toast. Bring on the margarine and the pooper scooper
Where is the offense, the defense can't seem to clear the stinking zone.
Our guys are sleep walking --lets hope they pick iot up in the 2nd period. I'm going to my pub for a beer and watch it there. Go PIOs!
Sleep walking, they are comatose. Miami did whatever they wanted, lucky there weren't another 2 goals scored.
haha. du is getting owned. lol
It shows you can't overlook the easy one. I learned that a few years back with the Gophs and Holy Cross. Looks like this could be the same.
this season is over. The loss of Ruegs is showing to be a deficit DU is not going to ovecome.
There's no way DU was overlooking Miami. Miami had an extra week off and DU is seriously banged up.
Miami is playing great and it probably should be 5 or 6 zero.
This sucks dude.
how awful is that, we start to get into the game and they get fluke goal. no one knows where the puck is. Martin playing like crap and Jon Lee is in way over his head. We need the rubberband man. Remember last year how much this team struggled when Ruegs was out.
Are u then saying the gophs overlooked holy cross and almost the afa last year. No spark, no fire, and little motivation. That's just how I see it.
Ruegs in or out there is no excuse to be playing like this.
i dont think that Miami is playing that good...i think they are an average team. i also dont think DU overlooked Miami. furthermore, i think DU is banged up/playing poorly. Lastly, i think that people were expecting WAY too much from Bozak on the return. Like i said, Miami is not that great, but they are playing is DU that is not playing like DU(for various reasons).
Ruegs makes all the difference in the world, he's the hustle player. When he's out, the team doesn't hustle. isn't that obvious from the last two games. DU only beat the badgers because the badgers were psychologically destroyed by DU in Madison in February.
No excuses! An absolutely ugly showing--worst effort of the season a terrible way to end it! D standing around with their heads up their @#$#! 11 shots through 2 periods?
While the Pios weren't sharp all night tonight, I do think this could have been a dramatically different day if the linesmen hadn't blown the offsides call in the 1st. DU had a clearly on-sides 2-on-1 which easily could have been a goal, or at least a momentum changer, but it was blown down. Obviously, the refs don't determine the outcome of the game, and the Pios were absolutely terrible tonight, but that could have been the spark they needed relatively early in the game.
Despite the score, Chevy was great tonight. He had some loose rebounds, but with all of the fantastic chances that he denied, he's allowed those. He wasn't able to steal this one, but he gave them a chance if the people in front of him had played better.
Sometimes, the hockey Gods just aren't with you. Tonight was the night that every rush seemed to be offsides, every pass happened to hop, and random shots off the glass bounced in front of the net. What is encouraging is that this team does not lose much in its senior class. Three players who have worked hard, but never been accused of having too much talent. There is a bright future for DU in the next couple of years!
Go pios!
I think of this team as the Ruegsegger/Rahkshani team. Just like 04 was the Berkhoel/Gauthier Caldwell Team/ and 05 was the Stastny/Carle team.
It's been very typical of the last two seasons. This team had the talent to go all the way. They can't win big games, The CC game this year, the ST Cloud game, too soft. the only "big game they have won the last three years was the 2008 Final Five and that was against a Minnesota team that had no legs left for the finale. I'm looking forward to a new squad to lead the way. This current leadership can't get it done, they're too soft, the efforts lacks. When they win its hard to see that fact, but when they lose it's very obvious. I hope the Rahkshani and Ruegs jump. The program needs a fresh start
You'd think after last week's beat down they would of learned a few things but I guess not. Watching this game I didn't see any intensity, grit or passion until the 3rd period. Fact of the matter is Miami came to play today... we didn't.
What a bitter way to end the season.
Congrats to Air Force though!
And the offseason begins........
god we fucking sucked all night.
DU ran out of gas this season and I guess the finger pointing can begin.
I really think that the problem was a lack of depth. By not rolling four lines and having reserves ready to go in suits DU wore down and suffered injuries.
Its very hard for DU, because at $50,000 per year DU can't attract walk-ons like Sconnie & the Gophers. Salazar showed how valuable a walk-on can be and if we could get a couple of more players like that we'd be set.
DG, while walk-ons bring a lot to a team. Tonight's result did not seem to be from a lack of depth. This team had the ability on all of its lines to score goals. However, they were not ready to play. It had nothing to do with how Miami played. DU has seen aggressive forechecks this season. Tonight, they pulled one of the infamous 2004 regular season not ready on Friday night acts. They may have practiced well all week, but the guys either didn't think Miami posed a real threat or they just lost their competitiveness somewhere without knowing it.
You know they all thought they all played hard, but obviously they weren't sharp. George will put the blame on himself for not having them ready, but it isn't on him. He did what he could this week. It's not even the leadership's fault. There's only so much they can do. Sometimes, a feeling just flows through a team and they can't do anything about it, as hard as they try. Tonight was one of those nights.
I agree, it's all on the players. No heart, talented but no heart. I still say the last to heartless efforts were on account of Ruegs injury.
I'm going to say it:
DU lost because they didn't bring back Boone.
This team was cursed.
DG's right. The team faded due to depth, youth and injuries, folks. They fell behind in four of the last five games because they were running on fumes. The last two games, they were beaten into oblivion because they had nothing left to give.
In the Championship seasons, DU had older, more veteran teams that could withstand the meatgrinder. This young team got beaten down by injury and just ran out of gas.
Remain calm. All teams have gone through this before, including us top dogs. There will be a summer and there will be another season. Let the sun rise!
I think the comment about the scholastic achievements of this team should not be over looked. This is a huge achievement and both the students and the athletic department are to be congratulated.
It might be nice to send Gwoz an email thanking him and his staff for all of their efforts and to thank the team for all of their hard work
Right from the beginning you could see the Pio's had no jump. A couple players were skating like Rahkshani and Ostrow after that everybody was sleeping out there no emotion. These two players were making things happen every time they were on the ice. I think Ostrow is one of the most over looked players on the team he doesn't get the ice as do the Bozaks, Rahkshanis and Ruegs and plays on the second lines but his numbers are still up there. Pat Rooney and Chambers have seen it and maybe they know something Ostrow may not be around much longer either.
hey anony-turd:
Ostrow leaving??? That's hilarious...
On a side note, Colborne obviously needs to be shifted to defense next season.
Hey Highway @ & 35 - my condolences on the Susies loss to New Hampshire.
True, the sun will rise tomorrow but then the residents of Grand Forks will have to face the reality that they live in North Dakota. That has got to be tough.
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