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(above) Bring your G.E.D. and a state issued ID and you too can enroll at Metro State |
From: Channel 9 NewsContact DU About Metro State Name ChangeOffice of Alumni Relations: alumni@du.eduDU Today: dutoday@du.eduDaniels College of Business Alumni Relations: mona.spitz@du.eduThe Chancellor's Office: chancellor@du.eduThe Provost: gkvistad@du.eduThe Faculty Senate Representative: dmccubbr@du.eduThe Clarion: du.clarion@du.edu
The board of trustees for Metropolitan State College of Denver has decided on a new name.
Metro State will take on the moniker Denver State University, as long as the Colorado State Legislature approves the measure.
The school says DSU will be a better fit for the institution, reflecting the school's quality and size.
The change is the result of a yearlong process of researching the current perceptions of its name and what benefits it could possibly see from a change.
In February, the school tested three names: Metropolitan State University of Denver, University of Central Colorado and Denver State University.
A branding firm studied the name last spring and concluded that Metro State's current name didn't reflect its "quality, size and complex offerings," the school said. The school's president, Stephen Jordan, said in a February news release the school is concerned that the report showed some could view a name change as a shift in its mission. He says the school is committed to "affordability, accessibility and high-quality education."
You can't just rename a soft drink "Coca-State-Cola" and think you're going to get away with it.
Our Chancellor needs to grow a pair and do whatever it takes to stop this.
The guy to put a stop this nonsense is Dan Ritchie. He has influence with all of the powers in Denver including Hickenlooper.
I have been watching this and feared it would happen. DU alumni get to work! I will be writing the board tomorrow to fight this!
There is NO WAY that I will let my hard-earned (and very expensive) MBA be watered-down by a "Denver State University"
Can you post the address to send letters to the Board & I'll post it.
The Colorado State legislature has to approve this change. Politicians care about three things: getting reelected,getting reelected and getting reelrected. Let's all call our local representative plus E Mail. Tomorrow i will do both. .Heavy pressure and they cave ever time.
University of Chicago and Chicago State University.
University of Portland and Portland State University.
The formers are strong private schools with lousy state commuter schools grabbing their brand equity....
I don't like it, either.
DG, can you send me some info on who to write in protest with. My education cannot and will not be mistaken by Denver State University. Is it worth it to write to the newspaper?
Just wrong. We work hard and spend all this money to be compared to Metro? Doesn't DU have copyright on the name or anything? It probably doesn't help that DU doesn't know how to market themselves either.
The DU Chancellor, CSU President, and CU President have all been meeting the past couple of weeks about this and will most likely file a lawsuit if its approved by the legislature. The word "University" is what really makes all of them upset and the Denver makes DU specifically upset. Could get exciting!
Anon 4:07 good to here. Let the games begin, I think most DU alumni are ready to do battle.
Comment over on the Channel 9 link attached to this article.
Get on Facebook and post everywhere.
Write a letter to the Board.
If you see the Chancellor say "Boone say 'Hi' & what the HELL are you going to to do about Metro State stealing our name."
Refer people to this LetsGoDU posting and I'll forward the comments onto Coombe & the Board.
Raise a storm online.
eehhhh, what's the big deal? fags.
Calling people fags is real civil just saying, there is no reason for name calling on this board, it makes everyone sound dumb.
The big deal is, Metro hasn't amounted to anything in the past 10 years other than being dominated by every DU Club Sport. Even DU Club Curling.
I think i can get good info on what committee has review and approval authority. I will try to get that info tomorrow and post it here.
Yeah, this is crap. I do hope that DU gets involved and protects itself from this dilution of its brand.
Do we know who to contact in the State Legislature to get this "solved"?
Denver State University hoops > DU hoops. LOL!
Ok! I've got the details on how this will have to be approved. It is a long process so we have lots of time to protest There are approxamatly 14 differents proceedures for it to get through and it can be killed at any one of these steps.I will post the specifics tomorrow.
DG: looks like a great chance to organize and rally DU alums, and get a lot of traffic to your blog at the same time. :) Seriously, though, I do hope that DU takes this seriously and rallies its alumni (and its clout) to prevent this from happening. One challenge that I can forsee, is that "Denver University" is not the official name of DU. While there is considerable similarity between "Denver University" and "Denver State University" (and DU and DSU), there is less similarity between "University of Denver" and "Denver State University." This could be an advantage for the leaches trying to suck off of DU's reputation.
Maybe they should go with Colorado State College....
Having CU and CSU with DU opposing this togther this thelps. The corridors of power in this state are lined with graduates of these three schools.
We have to win this in the political arena, as we probably can't win it legally...
You guys take yourselves way too seriously.....get a life!
Dude, can you understand that if one has shelled out over $100,000 for a DU degree, that one wouldn't want people confused as to whether he went to Metro or to DU? It doesn't take much brainpower to understand why DU people are upset by this.
This is serious stuff. Most of us (and our families) have spent a lot of time, money and effort to help build DU to what it is today, and those of us who have degrees from DU should always be concerned about their market value and the potential dilution this move may cause. Academic brands and reputations are serious, valuable assets that must be protected from harm, just as seriously as big corporations protect their brands.
Looks like this should be LetsGoUofD......You are the University of Denver, not sure where the confusion is.
as a student who transferred into metro this year, i hate the name. hopefully the new name will give a better reflection of the school, even though it is an awful school. i don't think they are trying to "steal" DU's name... in fact, one of my professors is on the board in charge of the name change, and he makes fun of DU, it's students, and everything DU stands for. drives me nuts, but what can you do?
YOU ARE NOT Denver University, YOU ARE THE University of Denver...seems quite simple to me.
Maybe DU should change it's name too. I like the ring of ITT Tech.
I would question the brain-power of anyone who would spend $50,000/yr for an undergrad degree.
About 75 percent of DU students like myself have some sort of scholarship or financial aid. So most kids don't even come close to the $47,000. There are kids that do but the Boettcher Scholars and other people etc don't pay a penny. Perhaps some research into who actually attends DU and what they pay would be a good plan before insulting the brain power of a DU student.
Chelsea was happy to pay $50,000 so that she can feel like she owns you. She wants you to know that she is better than you every moment of everyday. She can buy and sell you at above market value.
It's about winning, duh.
Eh we are all equals here I don't feel like I'm better than anyone. Like I said I have many good friends at Metro and am proud of them for getting through school just like they are proud of me getting a degree as well. No need to attack. If you must know my brother got his teaching degree from Metro, i don't feel like I'm better than him either.
I should of capitalized I too, sorry about that. I wrote a little too quickly.
Why do you keep deleting your posts? I really liked the one where you talked about your high powered job and high powered life. How did it go exactly?
I really don't see why you are all upset. CU and CSU seem to do a pretty good job of differentiating themselves.
I understand that DU students don't want their educations diluted, but unless you're a complete idiot, you will know the difference between DU and DSU. It's simple. Quit complaining.
The smugness of the DU graduates, I mean University of Denver graduates is laughable.
Eh I figured it was too bitchy that's all. I don't like being a bitch and it sometimes I get that way when I'm heated. It was out of line so I deleted it. My life as a DU alum is going just fine and I'm happy. Thanks for asking Anon 5:58.
What great U.S. soccer goalkeeper attended Portland U. (not Portland State)?
It's not that simple.
Outside the State of Colorado, DU is already often confused with the University of Colorado (either CU's main campus in Boulder or the University of Colorado-Denver, CU's urban branch campus) depending on where you are in the country.
This isn't unusual. Out here in Colorado, many people think Boston University and Boston College are the same school.
Adding another school with Denver in the name (Denver State) just adds another layer of confusion to an already confusing situation.
Are DU people smug? Somewhat. Almost any private school student body with a steep price tag is going to come off as affluent, and that always rubs some people the wrong way. But Chelsea is right that 70% of DU students are on some kind of aid package. Most DU students are very good kids who work hard and care about their school and the world around them. And just becuase they are proud of their school and want to protect it, doesn't make them smug.
And would the soccer goalie be Kasey Keller?
If you don't go to DU, then i don't think you understand why we are upset that Metro is trying to brand a name similar to ours. I worked very hard all through high school and I'm working very hard now at DU to get my degree and the reputation behind the degree. I don't want some school that doesn't amount to the same level as DU to come and ride the coat tails of our reputation and confuse any of my future employers as to what school I went too.
And as for everyone saying that DU should be UD, who cares? If you're complaining about that then shouldn't CU be UC? It is a western thing, just like University of Kansas is KU. Get over it
It gets worse every day. There are a group of DU fans / students that have started referring to your blog as "the troll hole."
I haven't reached that level yet but you need to do something to clean this place up.
The Band
Don't fuck wit da band, yo!
LOL...at all of you...why all the hate on Metro? It's actually not a bad school and you can do a heck of a lot of partying with the money you save by going there, plus no student loan debt -- and I have never been not hired because I have a degree from Metro. Going to Metro doesn't mean you are stupid or poor...just fiscally responsible.
Metro knew what it was doing when it went for this name change. They are leeching off DU's reputation.
The fact that DU is often referred to as Denver University in many out of state newspapers will only help the legal battle.
DU needs Starbucks lawyers. If this becomes a legal battle there is no doubt that DU would win. Starbucks vigorously defends
its trademark and wins far more dubious suits that this situation.
The DU alums need to relax. Why the hell shouldn't Metro be able to name itself Denver State University? It's in the heart of Denver. It's a university. It's a public university that gets state funds. Denver State University. Sounds pretty straight forward to me. They didn't propose to be Denver University and there mascot isn't a pioneer. Hell, I hope the measure succeeds and they bring in Boone as the mascot.
Chelsea, I am not sure you are getting such a great education based on your inability to distinguish between "here" and "hear"
Anon. Usually I'm the one correcting the grammar on here lol. I already explained that when I get heated I type faster and stuff does not usually come out right. Honest mistake, there are a lot of typos on this blog forum from people other than me as well.
at anon 10:43.... Metro State College does not fit the normal criteria for being a university (colleges just teach, Universities also do research and real universities confer doctorates). metro is just adding a few lame Masters degree. This is the point that CU, CSU and DU administrations are all against.
Metro severs an important education niche, but
changing the name to DSU won't mean they suddenly offer strong degrees and that they will stop taking in anyone off of colfax with a GED.
Metro's basketball team will STOMP DU's all day long, every day. It would be a joke. DU has, at the best, the 5th best bball program in the state -- CU, CSU, UNC and Metro are all better.
You do realize that a school with around 25,000 students is going to garner a lot of support, right? That most of the people who attend or attended are mostly from around here and are not disappointed in their choice? There are far more Metro alumni living in Denver than there are DU alumni, I am sure a groundswell of popular support will follow Metro on this one. You guys have the right to feel how you do, but don't forget who has the numbers on their side.
The funny thing about this is that you all complain about lack of local support for DU hockey. Wanna know why the local Denver people do NOT support DU as they could? Elitism, pure and simple...these types of attitudes just feed that view. Do you really think that offending a group of people who you need/want support from is the way to go? If so, that DU edumacation really is not worth it...
I can't wait for the Let's Go DSU blog featuring the Metro Swami!
And before you get all riled up, consider the fact that the vast majority of Metro students are Denver NATIVES, unlike DU -- people who went to Denver Public Schools, studied at Denver Public Libraries, played soccer in the Denver park system, etc...Metro students are as worthy of going to a school branded "Denver" as anyone else.
Just try to keep implying that Metro students are of a lower class. This will not end well for you guys...
Well said.
The truth comes out about the attendance issues. Elitist DU(UD) alumn season ticket holders buz- killing a very succesful hockey program. I guess you get what you pay for.
Most DU(UD) alumn who frequent this blog, including the author, are smug beyond belief. Just ask him, he'll tell you.
Miss Chelsea wrote a comment, that she later removed, about her high powered job and superior education......wow!
The DU(UD) faithful on this blog need a large dose humble pie.
Get over yourselves.
The University of Denver and its students, faculty, staff and alumni pump hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions into the Denver and Colorado economy each year.
Its just a matter of DU marshaling its forces politically and legally and letting the process take over.
In the long run this is going to be a pain in the ass for the "Denver State" alums.
They are going to be the ones who have to answer the questions like, "Do you know Timmay, he went to DU also?"
@ Amy
A copyright on the name "Denver"??? That's rich. Like nothing else in the city of DENVER can use the "Denver" name...yeah, right, like the first thing people think of when the word "Denver" is muttered is DU -- it's more like, "There is a University of Denver?"...
There is probably at least 100 things people think of before DU when "Denver" is mentioned. But, yeah, DU should have the word "Denver" copyrighted. DU is less important to the fabric of this area than you seem to think...
"The University of Denver and its students, faculty, staff and alumni pump hundreds of millions of dollars, if not billions into the Denver and Colorado economy each year."
I am not quite sure of your point here. At any given time, Metro will have up to 4-5 times the number of undergrads than DU has. The majority of these students also maintain jobs, so they are ALREADY contributing to the local economy/paying taxes on a higher level. Then, since they are Denver natives, they have settled families here who have been paying taxes and contributing to Denver and Colorado for generations.
If you think that Metro can be halted in it's tracks by the "Chancellor growing a pair", you will be sorely mistaken. Obviously you have no real idea of how Metro's funding and support is written into LAW.
Some Metro education positives: A student can receive a better education in music, aerospace/aviation or journalism from Metro as opposed to DU. A vast majority of local teachers are licensed through programs on the Auraria Campus. I mean, if you want a business or international studies or construction degree then DU is your place. ALL colleges/universities have strengths and weaknesses.
Also, if CU or CSU does not support it, you may want to wonder why. It's not for disapproval of Metro as a school (CU -Denver and Metro are essentially the same school), it would be more political. CU recently has lost some of it's state funding (causing them to raise tuition), while it is written into law that Metro's funding can NOT be cut (thus allowing them the luxury of not raising tuition as much as CU has had to).
I went to Metro as an undergrad and to DU for grad school. There is absolutely nothing wrong with either, but I definitely feel as though my return per dollar spent at Metro is much higher than for DU. I have no problem with saying I attended Metro and would do so again if I had to do it all over.
This argument reminds me of the CU-Denver students on campus who thought they were better because their degree wouldn't say "Metropolitan State College of Denver", even though most classes are a combination of students from both schools -- so you had the same professor, curriculum, wrote the same papers, took the same tests, etc...
Right on Swami. Beer on me if we ever meet.
Who cares about Metro?? Isn't there a hockey series this weekend??
why are there two different schools anyways? they are both state schools on the same campus... why not combine them?
and why is it so important to change the name in the first place? metro state college is perfectly acceptable.
Mile High State University or Centennial State University would have given Metro a unique identity that clearly states where they are from, what they stand for and creates no confusion in the marketplace.
Clearly they wanted to leech on DU's reputation and good name, so they went this route. I think they have clearly underestimated the legal and political backlash.
Billions??? I think I just sharted my pants from laughing so hard.
Panicking is for amateurs and morons
How snotty can you get. In the olden days, DU used to be called the streetcar college in a derogatory manner by those uppity CU kids. In those days DU had classrooms downtown for students that actually worked their way through college. These days DU seem to have been born with a silver spoon in their mouth or with their hand out for financial aid.
The University of Denver was established in 1864, making it the oldest higher education institution in Colorado. It is referred to as "DU" because that tradition goes back over 100 years (e.g. CU, OU and KU).
Metro State was founded in 1965.
I'm sorry, but the University of Denver (aka "DU") is almost 150 years old. There are buildings on campus in the National Register of Historic Places. That is tradition, and reputation. Any school that feels they need to change their name obviously has poor brand recognition. I don't want said school (Metro) choosing a new name that overtly mimics the historical moniker of DU.
Nothing against Metro State (my dad went there), but this is apples and oranges.
DG - I would suggest more careful selection of words than "Metro State Scumbags".
That does make us sound like elitists, and it is not the way I feel about Metro State and its students.
The word "Scumbag" refers to the people who made the decision to rename the school "Denver State University."
IMO it accurately describes their actions.
As always refer to the LetsGoDU sidebar Disclaimer.
"LetsGoDU is not affiliated with the University of Denver, the DU hockey program or the DU Athletic Department. All ideas, comments and opinions reflect the views of the authors."
Since 1997 DU has spent almost $400 million dollars in construction projects.
The University of Denver has over $400 million in revenue annually.
Factor in what the students, faculty and staff spend off campus. Then factor in the money spent by vistors to the university including parents, visiting teams, conference attendees and daily visitors to the university.
The net economic impact by the university would easily be in the billions.
"In the billions"
You’d think Denver wouldn’t have budget problems with all that cash flowing in. Damn politicians must be mismanaging the money. I bet they’re all Metro grads.
Silver spoon? Are you kidding me? I was born with a platinum spoon. Everything else is piss.
What I get from this conversation is that DU alumni are kind of elitist and whiny at the same time. I mean the students and alum from CU are apparently secure enough in their own school’s reputation to not be threatened by the similar name of CSU. I think it speak volumes that you are not. Then again, I would hope that it site only represents a minority of DU voices on the matter.
"I mean the students and alum from CU are apparently secure enough in their own school’s reputation to not be threatened by the similar name of CSU."
Are you comparing CSU to Metro? Exactly.....
I think part of the blame in this debate has to fall at the feat of DU and its horrible management of its own brand. From the Boone debacle to the multitude of DU logos and colors, there is no consistency in the brand management. Hopefully it takes this debate to get the DU administration to finally get their act together and develop a consistent brand strategy.
Colorado State was founded in 1870 and changed its name to CSU in 1957 [the same year that Colorado Colege won its last National Championship in ice hockey].
Branding and trademarks are far more important today and the courts are far more proactive on these issues.
CSU is planning to change their name to Charlie Sheen University. They feel that will help them market to WINNERS. Specifically, warlocks, assassins, and rock stars from Mars.
@ Anon 9:07
What I meant when I said copyright was that DU should have trademark/service mark rights over the name of the university...not "Denver" and not "University" separately. In both cases names, symbols, devices, phrases, etc distinguishes the party's goods from others. DU markets their name via shirts, jerseys, etc. If a party feels like its trademark/ service mark is being violated by another party then it is possible for them to take legal action. I don't care if Metro wants to give themselves a better reputation but the name they propose is too close to DU's. My mom graduated from Metro so its not as if I hold any grudge or ill will. If you want to check out trademark and service mark law here are a few links.
The links to write emails to DU bigshots is now posted in the body of the article.
Feel free to mention Boone while you have their attention. :-)
Go DU and long live PioNation.
Those of you who aren't attached to DU: don't you have anything better to do than troll a blog you have no affiliation with?
I for one have no interest in anything being said on a CC blog (or a Metro State blog, for that matter).
The student experience at DU is far superior to Metro's. Hands down. I've attended classes at both schools, and the faculty, instruction, facilities etc are WAY better at DU. No question DU is expensive, but you get what you pay for. In my mind DU was well worth it, while Metro was very ordinary.
Who said people didn't have a connection? Assume much? Some people may support what Metro is. I think it's more the contention of people being not worthy, DU being so great while Metro sucks. That type of stuff. Plus, dggoddard posted a link on 9news to come here, so he apparently wants other people. You a trollish one, eh?
Who is comparing "the student experience"? No one, except you. No one is comparing the experience or anything. Just fighting the notion of Metro students being 2nd class, that Metro has no real attachment to Denver and not deserving of being labeled "Denver". It's just elitist rubbish and people have the right to disagree. No one is putting down DU...DU people are the only ones hurling insults, to be honest. I have attachments to both schools and could really care less, but I stick up for what is fair -- and the vitriol being thrown towards Metro and it's students is disgusting.
Regardless of what Metro becomes in the future -- My degree is still from the Daniels College of Business at the University of Denver.
There is no way that employers or anyone with half a brain can get that confused with a potential "Denver State University".
I just can't bring myself to get militant about this at all, sorry, won't be writing any emails to anyone.
Anon @ 1:15---who said Metro students are 2nd class?? Quit making sh** up you clown. I simply said the student experience at DU is better than at Metro. I never said the STUDENTS are better. There's a big difference. There are great students at both schools. It's the experience I'm talking about. Take a lesson in reading comprehension.
The difference between really successful branding, brand recognition, marketing, p.r., and a variety of other promotional endeavors, and, as Dan Ritchie once said, "a university that is really, really good at hiding its light under a bushel."
"Where'd you go to college?"
"D.U. University of Denver."
"In Boulder?"
"No. The University of Denver is a small, private university in Denver proper."
"Never heard of it. Where'd you go to grad school?"
"Fight On!"
Tim is right. DU already has a brand confusion problem with that larger school in Boulder in markets outside the Rockies. Denver State just makes it worse.
Fight on, indeed.
50% of the renaming vote was split between Metropolitan State College and Metropolitan State University. DSU got only 35% of the vote, and still won.
Fight on Game Cocks! University of South Carolina is a hell of a school!
On a somewhat related note, I've always felt kinda bad for Miami (of Ohio). No one ever speicifes Miami (of Florida). So, if someone just refers to Miami the automatic assumption is that they are referring to the Hurricanes (unless we are talking about college hockey to college hockey fans). Speaking of the Hurricanes, how the hell did they get the monopoly on the "The U" too. DU needs to hire some of those marketing goons away from Miami (of Florida).
"Feel free to mention Boone while you have their attention."
Boone should been at the DU/St Cloud games rather than going to Hot Springs with the basketball team.
Boone will be in Magness this weekend for the WCHA playoffs.
He will have some special presents for LetsGoDU readers. Check the Blog tomorrow.
Yeah, why the fu*k was Boone in Arkysaw? Remind me again, was it hockey people or basketball people that helped bring Boone back? WASN'T THERE A CODE BOONE AT ONE POINT FOR LAST WEEKEND?
Code Red was a joke!
Clean it up. Your troll hole is disgusting.
This will serve as your second notice.
You have been warned twice.
Next time you will be punished.
The Band
I understand why the D.U. student body would be upset. I’m currently a Metro but I’m only going there to save money I plan to transfer to either D.U. or Regis after I have completed enough credits. I know that if I end up going to D.U. and graduating I wouldn’t want businesses to confuse my degree with a D.S.U. degree. Metro has horrible education I’m surprise anyone would take pride in graduating from Metro. I hear you D.U. if that were to happen I’m thinking Regis just got them self a new student.
My interpretation of the issue at hand is that some DU students and alumni take issue with what they perceive as the dilution of the value of their degree due to the potential name change of Metro to Denver State University. If they had chosen any number of other names there would most likely not be an issue here since the names would not be confusing. If they changed it to Colorado State University at Denver, Metro State University, or any other number of things we would not be having this discussion. I agree with the DU alumni and students who believe that this will at the least cause confusion and may be an attempt for Metro to ride the coattails of the brand that DU has tried to build. A lot of people are not happy that they worked hard and spent money to potentially have that investment tarnished by confusion and what appears to be an attempt to dilute the brand. If DU suddenly decided to change their name to Colorado University, or College of Colorado, I can guarantee there would be lawsuits and a lot of angry CU and CC alums and students. It's about the identity of the institution and protecting that should be important to the students and alumni of any school, whether it be DU, Harvard, or Metro State.
The thing about this that I do not understand is that Metro State is already well known in Colorado and they have had quite a bit of success in various sports and have a fairly visible alumni and student base at least in the Denver area. It seems like the logical solution to this would be to change the name to Metro State University since they already have tons of Metro State branding and changing the name is just a waste of resources for the school and the taxpayers who fund it.
As someone who went to DU but lives and works in Colorado, I feel that it is perfectly valid for me to have an opinion about what is going on with the state universities that all of us help support whether we like it or not, whereas people who have no affiliation with DU really do not have much of a leg to stand on since they never contributed anything to DU in the past and more than likely will not in the future in terms of money, time, or involvement.
As for DU fans, students, and alumni being smug and elitist, that holds true for every school everywhere, or at least it should. If you don't support your school, either you choose poorly when you decided where to go or you are neglecting what should have contributed a great deal of value to your life both in terms of education and shaping your life as a whole. If you went to CC, CSU, Colorado, Metro State, UCD, or anywhere else you should hopefully be proud to say that you went there and you should support that institution and defend it from defamation and attacks from outside people, and even more importantly people in the institution itself. If you don't, you might as well mail back your degree since you aren't using it. I'm proud of my University of Denver degree, I'm proud of my DU hockey jersey, and if it comes across as smug to someone else, that's their problem and not mine.
In regards to "The Band" and people who are attacking the site, the people who run and contribute to it, and the people on here who feel strongly about this issue, if you don't like DU and you don't like the site, don't come and don't post. No one is forcing you to read this. If you'd taken an American history class you'd be aware of that.
Last but not least, I'd like to state that I have nothing against people who went to other schools. If you went to college and learned something, you're OK in my book. In fact, the most recent hire I was involved in currently goes to Metro State University. I have a lot of friends and co-workers who went to schools all over and it boils down to the fact that you are either intelligent or you're not. Where you went to school is of little consequence.
Why is The Band warning DG? He's a big band supporter as are all of us. The only complaint is that we don't get to see more of them.
Am I missing something? Did you do something at band camp DG?
Whether band members like the blog isn't an issue with me. I never played an instrument, but have been a longtime proponent of the DU Pep Band.
Here's a list of Pep Band articles LetsGoDU has posted over the years.
Longtime readers of this blog probably remember that LetsGoDU played a major role moving the Pep Band from the Handicap Seating behind Section 14 into the student section.
We also wrote a report in June, 2004 calling for DU and the Athletic Department to make major upgrades to the band. The report was ignored, until current AD Peg Bardley-Doppes came on board in 2005 and implemented most of the suggestions in the report.
The current success and growth of the band is due 100% to the band director, the students and the Athletic Department. But make no mistake, we have helped shape public perception of the band and are excited by the success the band has enjoyed.
Well, at one point in my life I was in pep band. You know what? It sucks balls, that's what! Horrible music, playing said horrible music over and OVER, and oh so much more. If you are serious about music, pep band sucks plain and simple, and people who are in music in college aren't "just trying it out", they are serious about it and pep band isn't serious music -- sorry to any pep band lovers, but it's absolutely true.
With DG pushing for the band to appear more, I'm sure most of them are not too thrilled. Beware, DG, removing a clarinet from your ass while rolled up in saran wrap is quite challenging! NEVER underestimate band members, from my experience...
A lot of them tend to have snapped by this point in their lives, after being called a "band fag" for the millionth time.
I have absolutely no connection with DU's pep band or Lamont, but in my experience band members roll how they roll no matter what. Good luck!!
I'll never look at a clarinet the same way again.
I guess the comment I left yesterday got deleted which is odd because it didn't contain any profanity or personal attacks.
Apparently The Band is too busy playing with his own and others skin flutes to realize DG has been a proponent of the band playing at DU games.
lol at The Band, Tuff guy eh? Get your hands off each others boneaphones and let's throw down!
A note on the pep band. Someone made a donation to the band at one of their events, and the donor received not so much as a thank you note. Hmmm...it would be nice if they showed some manners to go along with their music.
It’s official. I’m done reading your troll hole.
This is goodbye forever, have a nice life.
Also, anyone that wants to “throw down” with me can bring it. You know where to find me.
The Band
Cry me a river! Please stay you brought sooooo much to the Blog.
From DG: Ketchep & Mustard - Blogspot deleted your message because it was over 4,096 characters. Since I'm emailed every "Comment" here it is in two parts.
Part I
Ketchup & Mustard
My interpretation of the issue at hand is that some DU students and alumni take issue with what they perceive as the dilution of the value of their degree due to the potential name change of Metro to Denver State University.
If they had chosen any number of other names there would most likely not be an issue here since the names would not be confusing. If they changed it to Colorado State University at Denver, Metro State University, or any other number of things we would not be having this discussion.
I agree with the DU alumni and students who believe that this will at the least cause confusion and may be an attempt for Metro to ride the coattails of the brand that DU has tried to build.
A lot of people are not happy that they worked hard and spent money to potentially have that investment tarnished by confusion and what appears to be an attempt to dilute the brand.
Part II
Ketchep & Mustard
If DU suddenly decided to change their name to Colorado University, or College of Colorado, I can guarantee there would be lawsuits and a lot of angry CU and CC alums and students. It's about the identity of the institution and protecting that should be important to the students and alumni of any school, whether it be DU, Harvard, or Metro State.
The thing about this that I do not understand is that Metro State is already well known in Colorado and they have had quite a bit of success in various sports and have a fairly visible alumni and student base at least in the Denver area. It seems like the logical solution to this would be to change the name to Metro State University since they already have tons of Metro State branding and changing the name is just a waste of resources for the school and the taxpayers who fund it.
As someone who went to DU but lives and works in Colorado, I feel that it is perfectly valid for me to have an opinion about what is going on with the state universities that all of us help support whether we like it or not, whereas people who have no affiliation with DU really do not have much of a leg to stand on since they never contributed anything to DU in the past and more than likely will not in the future in terms of money, time, or involvement.
As for DU fans, students, and alumni being smug and elitist, that holds true for every school everywhere, or at least it should. If you don't support your school, either you choose poorly when you decided where to go or you are neglecting what should have contributed a great deal of value to your life both in terms of education and shaping your life as a whole. If you went to CC, CSU, Colorado, Metro State, UCD, or anywhere else you should hopefully be proud to say that you went there and you should support that institution and defend it from defamation and attacks from outside people, and even more importantly people in the institution itself. If you don't, you might as well mail back your degree since you aren't using it. I'm proud of my University of Denver degree, I'm proud of my DU hockey jersey, and if it comes across as smug to someone else, that's their problem and not mine.
In regards to "The Band" and people who are attacking the site, the people who run and contribute to it, and the people on here who feel strongly about this issue, if you don't like DU and you don't like the site, don't come and don't post. No one is forcing you to read this. If you'd taken an American history class you'd be aware of that.
Last but not least, I'd like to state that I have nothing against people who went to other schools. If you went to college and learned something, you're OK in my book. In fact, the most recent hire I was involved in currently goes to Metro State University. I have a lot of friends and co-workers who went to schools all over and it boils down to the fact that you are either intelligent or you're not. Where you went to school is of little consequence.
Nicely put, K&M.
"The Band" is just new to the internet, IMO. It'll get used to it eventually.
absolute victory on all fronts.
From Howard Stern's movie Private Parts:
Researcher: The average radio listener listens for eighteen minutes. The average Howard Stern fan listens for - are you ready for this? - an hour and twenty minutes.
Pig Vomit: How can that be?
Researcher: Answer most commonly given? "I want to see what he'll say next."
Pig Vomit: Okay, fine. But what about the people who hate Stern?
Researcher: Good point. The average Stern hater listens for two and a half hours a day.
Pig Vomit: But... if they hate him, why do they listen?
Researcher: Most common answer? "I want to see what he'll say next."
I don't care what you say, I'm not listening to the Chancellor's weekly webcast.
I am a current Metro student who has been keeping informed about the name change. The choice of Denver State was not, I repeat, NOT an effort to steal any of your school's thunder on Metro's part. In fact, the change was mostly to distance ourselves from the negative images surrounding the name Metropolitan State College of Denver, including (but not limited to) the fact that many in the Denver area believe Metro to be a community college. In a vote involving four possible names, Denver State was the clear winner. I do understand your consternation, but no malice went into this decision.
Thanks for posting. You bring up several issues.
You don't need malice to commit trademark infringement. I'm sure the person who started "Sam Bucks" coffee shop never imagined that Starbucks would come after them, but they did.
It sounds like Metro has spent $100,000 of Colorado taxpayer money on a name that has set CU, CSU & DU up in arms. If the reaction in this blog is any barometer, DU is going to be under tremendous pressure from its alumni to fight this tooth and nail.
Lets see what happens in the political arena with the proposed name change. As someone mentioned earlier, it should be fun to watch. Pass the popcorn.
The same type of pressure DU was under to bring Boone back? Hell, you paid for the kids costume and you couldn't even get him to show up at the St Cloud games.
As someone else recently said, why would they care about the six cranks who post here?
I know - make it a CODE RED! hahahahahaha!
That's a joke boy.
25 alumni, students & hockey fans paid $200 to purchase the Boone costume.
Boone has 2.931 friends on Facebook.
LetsGoDU has 250,000 visits per year.
The numbers don't lie.
With Minnesota State having been here this weekend, it got me thinking. While the University of Minnesota had been around for quite some time, Mankato State changed their name to Minnesota State. It happened. What is the difference with the University of Denver and Denver State University? None. Accept that you can not control this outcome and your notions on how it can be stopped are useless. I am NOT associated with nor a supporter of Metro, I just call it how I see it.
We may not be able to stop it, but we can (and certainly should) voice our dissent.
The University of Minnesota has no identity issues. It's a huge, public flagship big 10 school with 50,000 students, and branch campuses around the state. From coast to coast, most people know the U of M - where it is, and who it serves. Minnesota State presents no issues to the U of M. It's much smaller school, and an hour or more from the twin cities in Mankato.
DU is not like the University of Minnesota. We're a small private school that is already often confused with the University of Colorado in Boulder by out of state folks, and confused with the University of Colorado-Denver branch campus closer to home. The fact that "Denver State" shares the same campus with UCD and is only 5 miles from the DU campus presents much more chance for confusion that UM does with Minnesota State.
I'm surprised metro supporters even posted on this post. I didn't think their campus had Internet.
yes because there are a ton of people that get CU and CSU confused. As a DU alum and an employee of Metro I think it is a great move for the institution and will have no bearing on anyone's opinion or perception of DU.
If you are opposing this, DU alum, then you are obviously very insecure about your degree. Too bad you had to shell out over $100,000 for a degree. When I was a Marketing student at Metro State, I had a friend who was getting his bachelor's from DU at the same time. In one class, he had the exact same text book and paid about 15 times for the same course. Now, he works for me. Ironic.
Metro Sucks. You are 2nd class.EVERY OTHER COLLEGE is better than you- not just DU.
This thread is sure to help you guys out! Not only is it stupid to assume that people will confuse DU and DSU (are you now aiming your marketing at complete morons?), but the fact that DU alumni are insecure about their investment makes me think they deserve it. If all you were buying was a brand name, then you got what you paid for - lol...
To those claiming that 70% of DU students get scholarships, check your numbers: it's not 70, it's about 50% and SOME scholarship includes those who get 5k for the whole time leaving them with six figures student loans to pay off (unless they are, of course, Chelseas and Chads with rich parents). Most students at DU pay a shitload for an education that is not comparably better than CU or any other public school. I can see why Harvard/Yale would charge as much money, but DU? Really? If you really wanted to help your school you would ask why your administrators and coaches are paid more than your professors.
I am a DU alum and I feel no anger whatsoever about Metro taking on a new name. They have chosen a name that accurately reflects their situation: Metro is a state university in Denver. They couldn't go with Metro State University because there already is a Metro State University up north.
I don't really understand where all the hate is coming from. I'm not worried about someone "confusing" my schools in the future.
For what it's worth, even the quickest web search reveals that Metro professors DO in fact research and publish (a point raised above re: "universities")...
Name legacy:
Metro State College
a.k.a. Metro
Metropolitan State College
a.k.a. Metro
The METropolitan State College of Denver
a.k.a (official) The MET
a.k.a. (unofficial) Metro
Metropolitan State College of Denver
a.k.a. Metro
Denver State University
a.k.a (official) DSU
a.k.a. (unofficial) D’Zoo
estimated cost: $750K to $ 1 million
I find it incredible to believe that DU or UD or whatever you are (your own ID issues or merely bi-polar snobbery) are actually threatened by this.
Knowing folks from both schools, I can tell you that each have its strengths and weaknesses. Get over yourselves and make a difference in real ways.
I agree with you. I think the real quality comes from the professors and staff at Metro, not the clientele. Spending all of that money on them would have been a better choice. I vote for Crackhead U - it will be simple to find a mascot.
You are classist. Oh, but you don't have to learn about your bigotry when you pay for a name at DU.
Talk about getting upset about the wrong issues. Wish you folks would get just as fired up about fighting social inequalities. Colleges grow and change. When I heard about the name change, I was concerned that folks coming from a low income background may not realize that Metro offers a good education at a lower cost.
Keep it all in perspective; there are more and more people homeless and hungry on the streets every day and you're worried about a little name change?! Many people don't even have a roof over their heads; you are privileged to have a college education. Get your priorities right, life is not all about money and prestige.
"Anonymous said...
I understand why the D.U. student body would be upset. I’m currently a Metro but I’m only going there to save money I plan to transfer to either D.U. or Regis after I have completed enough credits. I know that if I end up going to D.U. and graduating I wouldn’t want businesses to confuse my degree with a D.S.U. degree. Metro has horrible education I’m surprise anyone would take pride in graduating from Metro. I hear you D.U. if that were to happen I’m thinking Regis just got them self a new student."
Anonymous, I am sorry you have had some bad professors at Metro. I'll admit, there are some here. Then again, it is quite possible that the "horrible education" you claim our institution "has" is on you. Any student who puts for the effort can get a strong education. I am proud to be at Metro, and I will be proud to graduate from Metro. I previously attended a private institution, and my education at Metro is leaps and bounds above what I got there. The sooner Regis gets "them self" a new student, the better, if that student is you.
I was a student at DU before I transferred to UCD. I'm shocked at the ignorance DU kids have..too bad, it's an amazing school academic wise..but the students make it awful. 90% of the reason I left, and these comments just go to show. Look outside of your bubble where mommy and daddy are the ones paying for you to go to DU so the chance that metro kids who actually have to fight to survive in this world can get a university accredited degree is pretty amazing in my view.
I have a few questions. If DU is such a great school with such intelligent students why are they getting involved in something as petty as the name of another school. Also, if DU is so great of a school why would Metro of all schools be such a big competition. I think you arrogant children should get some persepective. Having another Univeristy in Colorado means more youth getting educated and more money for the state that's something that should be embraced not discouraged,but I guess education is only for the fortunate that can afford a private college.
This has nothing to do with Metro educating students.
Multi-billion dollar companies sue mom & pop owned business owners for names that are too similar to their corporate brand.
Its 2011. Branding and names are very important.
Metro's consultants and administrators should of known better. Clearly they blew it, and now they have egg on their faces.
First of all, this discussion should have nothing to do with the price of education. We are one of the only countries in the entire world that doesn't offer public universities, as in free. There is no reason why we shouldn't work towards offering high quality education at a low price - which is what dsu is.
Here are a few bottom lines:
Dsu uphoalds a very high standard of education
Dsu has qualified professors with real world experience
Dsu offers master degrees
The studentss at dsu are nothing less than urban soldiers. We work hard in both the work place and the classroom
We deserve to represent our accomplishments through a fitting name
But mainly, its none of du's business, nor its alumnis', students', or faculty's
We are changing our name and if you want to fight us, do it in the classroom, because I promise you, you will lose
Greetings fellow DU alums,
First I'd like to remind you either your parents are pretty wealthy or you are making a poor, poor life decision going so far into debt (unless you got a scholarship, and a really great one).
What I'm trying to say is: your DU education is not "better" than a Metro State education. Getting a job all depends on the perspective of the interviewer. Your DU degree is not IV League, and in some cases, financially crippling for its students.
Getting a job requires a skill. You really have to convince your interviewer that you have something of value to contribute to a team. If you went to Metro or DU, it doesn't matter. If you got good grades and a useful degree, you'll get a great job.
This is coming from someone who got a degree in music from DU on a scholarship (and did a lot of drugs with a lot of rich lazy white people). I then went for a second degree at Metro State and graduated with a science degree. I just got a job.
Its not the place I went, its the degree I got. C'mon, music? What can you do with that but teach or be a rock star? Metro State has great students who work their butts off, and about 2 or 3 part time jobs because they have no money coming in from mom and dad.
Of course the other Universities are upset. College has unfortunately become a business, and they don't want more competition. Especially cheaper competition. DSU is much different from DU. Look at CSU and CU. Same thing!
Again, I love DU, and I love Metro State. They both gave me a lot of great things. DU was a fun party, and Metro State gave me the tools to get a job. I am thankful for them both and I strongly discourage student loan debt, and judgmental attitudes from rich kids who lack real world perspective.
Denver Post editorial questions motives of Metro's name change.
You DU kids are so immature. I've lost all respect for you after this and a family member of mine even went to DU.
MSCD has literally over 2x as many students as DU, which is also the most I believe than any other school in Colorado? Literally 6x as many than DU on just our campus alone. Our school offers masters programs. We pay half if not a quarter of what you pay in tuition. We recieve the same amount of education, if not better in some aspects.
Chris Jurawan - Who cares? The name isn't changing to represent those sports. What a worthless comment to make.
What I find so sad is that you honestly believe we are out to "steal" your name. Then you get all offensive about it calling us "scumbags" and how our name would "muddy" your reputation. It is going to ruin your reputation when our numbers overpower yours and get this passed. LOL.
Even worse is that all of you sound classist and borderline racist. Why should the more rich or people than can afford that school have a say in what our school does? You should not. We represent ourselves and what our school is worth, we want the changed name because it signifies so much more than you all know and even our futures when employers see it. Sadly, you are all so apparently "elite" that us "second class" citizens would usually do nothing while you fork over money to keep this from getting passed. Well, not this time.
Our name needs a change and Denver State University is perfect.
I love all your agruements against this change. I think I heard two today. Once a school got the trophy name wrong because there was "state" in there. How many times did they get it right exactly? What was the other one? People would get it confused? The two schools aren't even close to each other and one is private, THAT is pretty hard to do.
You all have no valid reasoning or legal stand point in stopping this from getting passed. It has nothing to do with your education so drop the kids games. Stop treating Metro and other students like they are lower/second class.
Also, I like how some of you DU Alumni won't reply to people arguing against you.
Metro goes the cheap route and hires a second tier branding company no one has ever heard of.
Then when this inevitably blows up in your faces and the Denver Post calls you out on it, its because DU students and alumni are "borderline racists."
What is a "borderline racist" anyway? How does that differ from say a full blown racist?
Dear Colorado Seminary students,
Your comments on this page are misguided, ignorant, and fulfill every stereo type of the egotistical rich kids that attend your school. As a Metro State student I can say that your fears seem to be purely based on insecurity. You CANNOT own the word Denver and in truth your school doesn't really serve the people of Denver. While 90% of our student body is from the Denver area 65% of your students are out of state or international students. Oh, and once a Metro State student graduates 80% of us stay and work in Denver while you all go back to wherever you came from. We are state funded public institution that provides high quality accessible education to our community. We serve a completely different demographic and socio-economic target market. Trust me none of the richies applying to your school will mistake us for you. It disgusts me that your school allows such comments and your false sense of superiority reaffirms time and again the real insecurity you have about the value of your institution. Get over yourself Colorado Seminary.
You people are insane. Let Metro State change their name to whatever they want. Their name change won't change the value of our degrees and NOBODY is going to be getting these two institutions confused. Why the hell are do you feel compelled to fight this??? Do something useful! The fact that DU is complaining about Metro State's name change is embarassing. I go to DU and I say, LET THEM CHANGE THEIR NAME!
For a school that provides such a good education and has such intelligent students the comments left by DU students is disturbing. The title alone is ridiculous. Someone who does not have access to opportunity is a scumbag now? Metro provides education and opportunity to students in Denver that are actually going to do good on the opportunity, not just move more into the elite and continue to live in world disconnected from reality. Having more money than someone now makes you smarter than someone too? Maybe students at DU should spend more time studying and less time partying in Aspen
Well said. I think all you snubbed nosed DU students that think money defines who a person is are ignorant. Your parents raised you to fathom money and to consider yourselves better because you have multiple zeros in your bank accounts. Some people go to cheaper schools because they have families who cant pay for their schools because they have been abused, parents had drug addictions, some have been rapped and ran away. You never know someones story. So next time you want to call people scum bags. Take a good look in the mirror.
I find it amusing how no DU students have spoken back in a very long time.
You know it is a lost cause.
As a MSCD student I also am against changing the name, not because I think all of the DU alumni or current students are better than me in any way.
Just because I cannot afford, or my family, to get in to an expensive college doesn't mean that I work any less for the grades that I earn, and that goes for all Metro students.
This is a great college with great professors, so don't judge it because you obviously do not know it.
Metro isn't trying to dilute DU's reputation. We have increased our population, extended our area of study, are now including master's programs and need to be recognized for the credibility that we are putting forth. We have excellent professors, fantastic students who work hard and are earning quality degrees. It's important for our future students to consider Metro as not only an affordable option, but a worth and credible option. Simply changing our name will reflect our commitment of credibility to our current, past and future students.
@All DU students...
For going to a prestigious University, with many fantastic programs and money to boot, you are the most ignorant and outright obnoxious group of morons i have ever had to deal with. As college students, we all know how hard we have to work in order to not only graduate but to get a quality job after we graduate as well. Why are you guys wasting your time trying to fight for something like a simple name change that somewhat reflects that of DU's when you could be spending more time trying to get better grades and a competitive edge on your future. Get over it.
God Bless.
Really? MSCD has proven to be a great stepping stone for veterans such as myself who have been out of school for 4-5 years.
Wow - the hate comments are bad, what should one expect - comments are done by persons who think they are better than others....The super sad fact is most comments who claim to have a DU education - should think of taking English 101. MSUD - got a name change, those who tried to pull what clout they thought got a dose of "you are not as special or better than anyone else". Sorry to put a comment on here that is at the same level of rudeness but, sometimes a brat needs to be told - you are not above anyone else. Metropolitan State University of Denver way better than paying for an over priced school where alumni and students posting on here have horrible english and typing skills that stink to high heaven!
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