(above) A great season came to an abrupt halt on Sunday night in Green Bay |
Jason Zucker provided a glimmer of hope for DU fans, scoring a tying goal with 0:00.2 seconds remaining in the first period to tie the game at 1-1.
The rest of the game belonged to the Sioux and despite a game effort, there wasn't enough fuel in the tank for the Pioneers.
I like DU's chances today. Obviously the one concern is how much gas is in the tank after 90 minutes of hockey yesterday, but this is the big dance against a conference rival. No excuses. Everyone needs to dig deep.
If last week's game is any indication, the Pios are poised and capable of beating UND. GO DU!!!!
That's my concern as well... I hope the team went straight to sleep after that marathon. I think this can go either way... we can't give up fluky goals again.
I hope at the end of the day we end the scum's season and move on to the Frozen Four.
Unleash the Mermis
Manifest Destiny!
If DU plays like they did last Saturday, they have a good chance but if they play like they did yesterday for the first part of the game we're in trouble.
There is an alarming lack of trolling in this thread. I'm disappointed in the Sioux fans.
I think they'll be fine. Not much different from any other time these teams play a 2 day series all year long - because they're ALWAYS high energy. This is the game to dedicate to Jesse Martin. Huge opportunity here for a few of his classmates Tini, Kyle, Rides, Miani. Huge opportunity to get the ultimate "revenge" on Malone and the Sioux, once and for all. I'm not talking in terms of hitting. I'm talking about the opportunity, to end the Sioux's season, together as Seniors - the same guys who watched Jesse be carted out on a stretcher on halloween - to have the opportunity to look over at Brad Malone and his team hanging thier heads in defeat, knowing that they're DONE and Denver is moving to the Frozen Four, with Jesse Martin. THAT is the opportunity I'm talking about. Should be a great game
Sioux fans aren't trolling b/c they are nervous as hell.......
@ anon 11:44
well said!! I agree completely, that would be the ultimate revenge
GO DU!!!!
stick it those scumbags
DU needs to play very smart today if they want to win. Let UND make the over-aggressive mistakes, and DU needs to bury its opportunities on the counter.
IF DU tries to go hit for hit with UND, DU will run out of gas. Absorb the hits, conserve energy and pounce when the moment is right.
Denver doesn't stand a chance because there a 2nd rate team with 3rd rate fans
I believe the word you wanted to use was "they're" as in "they are" not "there" as in "my trailer with my inbred family is over there."
Scrioux the sioux
Agree completely with Scotty Bowman... This tournament has already seen some very promising young teams shoot themselves in the foot because of undisciplined play (UNO, RPI, and Union).
Unfortunately, several otherwise promising teams (such as BC and Miami) had the "effort issues" and their fair share of bad bounces.
DU has been a 3rd period team all season, probably because of DU's youth. This tournament is NOT the time to coast.
Go get 'em Pios - play 60 minutes of hard hockey (and more if necessary), and you'll come out on top.
1:23, I like your style. I have a very nice handmade blanket that I would like to give to you.
Ketchup and mustard nice name I'm guessing that's because you prefer to have wiener in your mouth.
As far as scum bags go denver has the worst fans in the WCHA, what a bunch of heartless cry babies.
Next year is the year of the gophers
Suck it Sioux!!!
The Band
I got a blanket for you too 2:08
It's a reference to the older red and yellow jerseys DU used to wear, one of which I own and tend to wear to games.
No one here is talking about the Gophers because we're discussing the NCAA hockey tournament.
A gopher fan is talking shit?
Fucking hilarious.
How is your team doing in the NCAA tourney?
Oh wait....
DU Injury Update
Left wing Chris Knowlton is a game-time decision with an upper body injury. Knowlton would be replaced by Joey Brehm if he's unable to play.[/QUOTE]
Give them blankets
steal their land!
I wonder if we can interest the Sioux in a treaty?
COOL! We'll miss Knowlton, but it will be just that much sweeter.... for Joe Brehm to be playing in the game that hopefully sends the North Dakota seniors off to clean out thier lockers and dorm rooms... while joey high 5's his classmate Jesse Martin after winning the game! Denver's going to the Frozen Four... I got a feeling. Where's the Heinz 57 sauce? North Dakota fans: your arena is nicer than ours; but your town is a craphole, your cheerleaders are ugly, and your weather sucks. Have a great summer!
Good luck to DU today winner should win it all
Just once...can we score 1st?
1-0 Sioux short handed
Hextall is the biggest bitch in college hockey. Being comparable to Sean Avery is not a good thing.
so weird cause Hextall's Dad was such a mild mannered Lady Byng type of guy
That was awesome.
Now that's what I call a goal to finish the period. Way to go Goal Czar Salazaar
ZUCKER!!!!! 1-1 with .2 seconds left in the 1st!
Gee Denver - it's amazing what can happen when you shoot pucks at the net, ain't it?
Can someone please keep updating the score. We are big fans but can't get the game on TV and this has been the only place I've been able to find a score online...
Hi Molly and Joe!
3 1 Sioux with 1:00 min left in the 2nd
Pios back on their heels a bit. Need to find their legs in the 3rd and lay it all out there.
DU looked a bit gassed in the latter second period. Feet stopped moving.
Need to dig deep if they expect to make a comeback.
Right now, UND special teams and DU playing a little tired is the difference.
Score? Anyone? PLEASE!!! :-)
3-1 UND second with 17 left in the second...
Still 3-1 with 13 minutes left
Still 3 1 Sioux with 12:00 min left
Win or loose it has been a very good "rebuilding year". Now lets have all the underclass men back next season. Thanks Pioneers and Gwozdecky. The finest coach in college hockey.
Bwahahah, for all the bombast, Denver gets no further in the NCAA's then CC. DU, your season is over too! Deal with it!!!
Stick a fork in the Pioneers. No more exploring the fromtier for them this year. DU, won't be blazing a trail to Minnesota unless they are going to WATCH the Frozen Four.
There will be no overtime tonight.
UND 4 DU 1 with 3:40 left in the third period.
4 1 Siuox
To all you jackasses talking about UND Seniors cleaning out there lockers I think not you are talking about the greatest Senior class in all of college hockey so try your tears at better luck next year
BTW...it's 5-1 UND!!!! Watching a hack team like DU go down is nothing short of sweet.
Empty netter for UND.
5 - 1.
And Drew Shore gets a penalty to top off DU's season.
Some payback for us Sioux fans. Have a nice summer. Pioholes.
Oh no, but you are wrong. It is right smack dab in the middle of SWEET!
Bye, bye. DU.
AND IT IS NOW 6 - 1 SIOUX!!!!!
Its now a 5 1 ass beating with UND on the power play
I will take UND seniors over the DU seniors
6 1 what a joke
OOpps...my bad. 6-1 UND. Guess they wanted to slap the little b****s around a little more.
The route is on. You Pieholes really know how to stink it up. You can thank chambers for this ass whooping.
Can't wait to watch Carl Hagelin go wild on Dell. Let's go Michigan!
UND better keep their heads up. The DU hacks will be going after them.
Say goodbye to Zucker.
Somewhere in Colorado Springs a bunch of CC fans are loudly laughing........
CC's season was actually much better then DU's. CC was not expected to get as far as they did. And DU's season was not supposed to fall as short as it did. And seems to always do here lately.
Chortle, chortle......
Two DU slashing penalties....guess we know the sportsmanship level of DU. Don't we.
You know what is funny. We can get more people to attend a blog of the game then you can your whole arena. Lame excuse for a team
UND is a great hockey team. That doesn't mean I like or respect them, their coaches, or their fans any more. They're still a vicious, dirty organization.
Where are the smack talking DU bitches now no talking. Take up weaving it might be something you women can handle
you suck too
Go cry me a river. We don't think very highly of you either.
Sioux fans come onto the message board on Sunday's because that's when all the power plants, auto plants, and construction sites get their days off. Enjoy your nice, worthless, blue color lifestyles homos
I bet you and Chambers are glad you didn't create that stupid ass checklist like last year. You guys really thought you were going to beat UND. Dream on Dream on. You didn't just get beat you got throttled.
I hope after that beatdown all your players perform a mass exodus from the team. You are horrible.
Great season for the Pios, who were picked for a mid pack finish and ended up second in the WCHA, far better than anyone expected, given what DU lost to graduation.
DU also advanced past the first game in the NCAAs, which they hadn't done in six years, another step forward.
CC? Screw em. DU won the Gold Pan, and finished higher than CC in the WCHAs. CC had a nice game against BC, but at the end of the day didn't sinihs any better than DU did in the NCAA.
UND? Great team. Expected to win it all, and if they don't, it will be a failure.
The Pios have nothing to be ashamed of.
Great Season, boys.
"Enjoy your nice, worthless, blue color lifestyles homos."
Really? Seriously? You are sadly short sighted. More homo's per capita in Denver then in Grand Forks, would be my guess.
See it only takes a good UND beatdown before you finally get traffic to your site. Oh by the way get a better fanbase.
Took UND 48 years to beat us in the NCAAs!
We will see how many of these ND fans are on this site after the lose to Michigan
Tough loss and a tough way to end the the season. Losing two postseason games to UND in the same season is very bitter pill to swallow. DU gave a valiant effort, but no question, the Sioux were the better team. DU looked tired as the game went on, and UND has a lot of depth. Those guys will be tough to beat. They have speed, skill, size, toughness, and solid goaltending.
My playoff goatee was coming in very nicely. Time to go shave.
I'll state the obvious--DU had a great season. Tough way to end it, but I look forward to seeing the 2011-12 Pioneers.
One finally post before I leave this shitty site for the rest of the season.
From a Sioux fan to Jesse Martin. I hope to see you on the ice again. God speed on your recovery.
C'mmon, losers - it wasn't a great season and all, we lost and we sucked both yesterday and today, stop fucking trying to justify it and be all "Well, we did out best" shit - we didn't. We sucked big time, and there's no fucking reason to hush it up.
Tough end to what was at times a tough season for DU. In the end they ran into a good North Dakota team and couldn't pull off one more comeback.
glad to see the pioneers and there 3 fans wont be in st. paul. Green and white 18,000 strong ...go sioux
glad to see du and there 3 fans wont bo at the X..green and white 18000 stong...gosioux an1
You North Dakota fans really need to learn how to spell or at least use spell check. For a bunch of fans of college hockey you sure as hell don't seem like you've ever been inside of a classroom.
Any time you DU fags want to see who's state has more money we can compare as ND has billions set aside and you are a broke worthless state no your facts dumb ass
I would rather be blue collar with money than white collar and broke with a horse shit hockey team
Talk to you later losers
Sam Brittain goes down in the butterfly too soo and too often. There, I said it. Not sure if this is a coaching problem or a faliure to listen to your coach.... but on many goals this year, including today, as the wingers come in, Sam goes down, and pucks whizz by his shoulders. They need to fix that - or he'll never enjoy southern Florida
To the many classy DU fans(DG and those who post on USCHO.com):
Your team had a great season. I'd say definitely exceeding many expectations than what the rest of the hockey world figured. You guys have a hell of a goalie once again. Seems to be regular thing...Mannino, Cheverie, etc.
Oh Son of a bitch. Don't go there. Come on man. I went to the Halloween series... all that's in Grand Fucks is a Perkins Restaraunt, a truck stop and a railroad yard. VERY NICE city you got up there! It's a great place to stop and take a shit as you're driving up to Canada... that's about it
anyone who would argue north dakota has anything on colorado in any category is an idiot. its apparent you haven't been to colorado before, and yes, i have been to the land of inbreeding and depression... total shit hole.
congrats on the win, you earned a shitty place to live.
Congratulations on a fine season Pios! Rough way to end it, but we will have a great team next year!
Well... I hate the fact we lost to North Dakota again but considering we weren't suppose to make it this far, I think this was a good season. Given time this group of players will only get better and Brittan really started to show a side to him that really shows him as a #1 goalie.
Thank you seniors for giving it your all over these 4 years, thank you to all the players and coaching staff, thank you God Father for keeping real DU fandom alive... and I look forward to October when we can get hockey season up and going again.
DU gets their hat handed to them by UND and all they can do is try to slam the state of North Dakota?
Ummm, DU and fans, you still lost! Just so you know.
"My state is better than your state." Really?
Try that growing up thing, just once.
"We will see how many of these ND fans are on this site after the lose to Michigan."
DU is a much better team than Michigan, and you saw what the sioux did to you!
The answer to your question is zero. Sioux will dominate bitchigan. There would have been more Siouz fans at Pepsi Center if this game was in Denver. DU fans are pathetic. More Sioux fans at Jacksons than DU fans in Green Bay.
I would get your budget figured out or you won't be able to go any wear you broke little bitch
And I to have been to your town not to much to talk about I would say the slum suburb of colorado springs
Most these DU fans aren't even from CO just like everyone else in CO. Just go to a DU home game and watch WI, MN, UND, BC...etc kill you in attendance. Just a bunch of Californians who moved there to afford a house.
DU will be the team to beat in the WCHA next year. UND will "graduate" a ton of players.
UND graduates 7
DU graduates 9
So, yeah, that is a "TON"
Jeeze, sometimes those "silly" facts get in the way of a snappy post, don't they?
Tough loss but good season by DU after losing so many key players. Thank you Seniors for all your hard work. Lets just use this as motivation for an even better, stronger season. Looking forward to my senior year and hockey in October! :)
Sioux fans need to get over themselves.
If the Sioux had 8 pro teams and 5 larger D-I colleges in their state as well as 20 world class ski areas, Sioux hockey would draw the same 5,000 people that DU draws.
DU does very well at the gate - top 10 in the sport. Not bad for a private school with 5,000 undergrads. We average 5,300 fans per game - very respectable and similar to what BU and BC average in Boston.
I've visited CO many times (relatives in the Denver area) and lived in ND for the last 11 years. Nice people in each. Lots to do outdoors at high elevation in CO. Lots to do outdoors at low elevation in ND. Grand Forks is not exactly a "blue-collar" town. The largest employers are the University, the Hospital, and the Air Force.
Congrats to DU on a good season. I enjoy the rivalry between the two teams and there are many more chapters to be written.
Good season DU fans. You do have a great team and next season will be another tough battle with you. I hope you don't lose any players to early signing and I would love to see Jesse Martin return as well. See you again next year.
Sioux fan
Congrats to North Dakota on a great season thus far and an epic win tonight.
A terrific season for DU as well.
The #1 recruiting class in the country and they didn't disappoint, exceeding all expectations.
Our seniors depart with over 100 career victories, a MacNaughton trophy, a Broadmoor Trophy, four straight NCAA appearances and the Gold Pan firmly entrenched in DU's hands. Thanks for everything.
A special shout out to Jesse Martin who showed courage, class and strength in the face of adversity. You are a true Pioneer in every sense of the word.
It will be long offseason with early departures, Coach Gwozdecky's contract in limbo and perhaps DU's future conference affiliation up in the air.
Lastly to DU's great fans, thanks for reading LetsGoDU and contributing with comments. We are building a fantastic fanbase and we are making great progress.
Thanks DG for your time.your efforts.your talents and your resouces. I probably should add your patience.
DG and DU fans, congrats on a good season that your team had. I am sure most of us didn't expect DU to finish so high after all of the players that they lost last season. I think Gwoz did a pretty good job getting his team ready to play this season.
Some need to learn a lesson in civility and good sportsmanship...
Looks like Drew Shore and Matt Donovan are nearly all but gone this week.
We'll see.
Shore and Donovan will be AHL players next year if they leave.
I think they will stick around.
It's been a good run for DU this year--just ended earlier than we hoped and actually later than we expected.
Kudos to the team, coaches and staff you did us proud.
Thanks for the blog DG.
Besides Shore and Donovan, who else could be possibly considering an early departure? (I know about the talks surrounding Zucker, but it seems that he will be staying)
Shore and Zucker are not leaving. Donovan is probably 50-50.
Let's hope Gwoz gets a new contract soon.
Awesome season DU! Unfortunately for us, we fell flat on our butts today against a very good team that deserved to win.
I am looking forward to a fun season next year. Zucker isn't ready for the NHL so I hope he doesn't pull a Brock Trotter on us and end up in nowhere land. Good luck to UND, and thanks CC for another good rivalry on the ice.
Leave your negative comments at the game, not in a blog.
According to the Grand Forks Herald:
"Fire alarms went off at Denver’s team hotel at 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. Sunday. Hotel workers said they were having kitchen problems."
I wonder if the company that owns the bus that overheated on the way to CC owns the hotel in Green Bay?
It was a damn fun year of hockey watching here Denver, I don't care what anybody says. Last August, some of us here in my office were talking about pooling our resources to get 4 Avs season tickets for this season. I made the decision to add 4 DU season tickets as well.....best employee morale investment we made in 5 years! And by the way.... for the past 2 months, I havd quite a few Avs games where nobody went! All my Pioneer tickets have been spoken for since November!
Awesome year, guys!
Almost all seasons will end this way -- with a loss. That's just how it is.
I am quite proud of this team...it definitely was a good ride. I can't deny that I am a bit sad, though not for myself, but for these guys who poured their heart and soul into a good season.
Also, keep it classy grand forks...sheesh...
Top Things DU Must Do in the Off Season:
1) Sign Coach Gwozdecky to a new, long-term contract
2) Keep the NHL Stars out of Jason Zucker's eyes
3) Replace the outstanding leadership from Kyle Ostrow
4) Sign Coach Gwozdecky to a new, long-term contract
What can I say except your blog is the best thing on the web for DU fans. We all owe you a huge debt of gratitude for giving us all the good DU info.
As the lame Siouze fans, they are super passionate, but man- they can be HUGE Douchebags. They have a great team but thier fans can be arrogant. And now they are misogynists. I expect nothing less from them.
With Kyle leaving, hopefully DU can find a captain with as much amazing leadership as Kyle had...could be challenge but hopefully the future captain will step up and follow the example he set!
I attended the game and stayed at the same hotel the team did. I do not beleive for one second that there were "kitchen problems". I have been to several DU hockey games at various venues and I must say that some of the North Dakota fans are by far the worst I have ever experienced. Cried after every call - jeering our fans, players and coaches. They lost me here, I was a WCHA supporter no matter what, but from this point forward I will be cheering for anyone playing against the Sioux. Very disappointed all around on the behavior I witnessed. Thanks DU for being a class act year in and year out . .. you will continue getting quality kids and players because of your actions on and off the ice.
Thanks TC.
There are many people behind the scenes who email me links, info and heads up. A special shout to them.
Reader comments just exploded this season. They're the most important component of this blog.
Go DU.
Why are all you Denver fans making excuses because you lost to a better team. Yesterday you were all saying you were going to kick North Dakotas a$$ and it didn't go so well for you and now all you are saying is you had a good rebuilding year. Teams like North Dakota don't have rebuilding years. Have a nice summer
I wish that one of these siouxie fans would get their own blogspot. They could work on it in their trailer this summer as the feast on moon pies and RC colas.
I am really tired of listening to them.
Get a clue and get a life
@ anon 11:54
I don't agree that this was a successful season - unless you believe that winning one game in the NCAA's constitutes success which I don't. No, success is getting to the FF and winning it all which we have not been able to do for quite some time. We were lucky to have made it out of the first game and had very little left in the tank for the game against UND. The prior success for some reason has resulted in stagnation with the hockey program. Coaching? I don't believe so because you don't win back to back championships without being a good coach and you don't suddenly stop being a good coach. Recruting? I think so. We keep recruiting these blue chip USA Hockey Ann Arbor products who are highly skilled and great individual players lack grit. I believe that is going to change with some of the players that have been recently been recruited and who will be hungry for a chance to play.
Take a look at Red Berenson. We all agree, a great coach.
20 straight trips to the NCAA Tournament. All the resources of Michigan at his disposal.
NHL alumni, home ice for many regionals, pick of the litter from the USNDT, great fans.
Just Two National Championships.
@ anon 1:01
I couldn't agree with you less!!!
So, you are saying that a successful season is ONLY based on winning an NCAA championship??
You can never convince me that the other 57 D1 teams who don't win the championship are just complete rubbish. Total, blathering nonsense...
If you actually think that DU would/could/should win it all every year, well then...you are lost...
Would I like them to? Yes, very much...however, I choose to live in reality.
Take a look at Red Berenson. We all agree, a great coach. 20 straight trips to the NCAA Tournament.
24 FF appearances including, if memory serves me correctly, this season... They re-load every season and put themselves in a position to win the Championship every year. That is the expectation. Period.
I am certain that if Michigan (or UND for that matter) does not win the National Championship that they will not consider their season a "success". Anything less than the Championship, while not a "failure", will be viewed as coming up short of expectations.
Would I like them to? Yes, very much...however, I choose to live in reality.
Again, if you personally feel that the DU program is currently "successful" because they made it into the playoffs only to underachieve against WM and then get blown out by UND (who they took to 2 x overtime the week before) then bully for you. I don't and I will bet you that the players and coaches don't either. A high caliber program does not/should not consider just making the final 16 "success". Again, why can BC, BU, Michigan, UND contend year after year after year? Higher expectations perhaps?
BU didn't even make the tourney this year...
As a Sioux fan, I couldn't be more excited that we won the game, and that it was against DU, makes it that much sweeter. Our rivalry with DU is probably the highlight of the season now, esp. since MN has been down for a few years. I will admit, I was extremely nervous with the matchup no matter how tired DU was coming into the game. Congrats on a great season; and I'm not saying that in jest. To the fans on both sides with all the non-game trash talk: Can we keep things civil and not act like idiots. I'm from ND and it is a lovely place with great people by and large. You can't judge a fanbase on those who post on message boards. I've never been to Denver, but obviously it's a great place. I enjoy some good trash talk, but there's no reason to make things personal. Thanks to DG for the blog; I come and check it out semi-frequently, and most of the time get a good laugh, sometimes at ND's expense, but you can't take any of this stuff too seriously or it takes the fun out of it. Look forward to the Frozen 4; hopefully ND can pull out a couple wins. Also looking forward to next year and another great year of the rivalry between our schools.
DU's 10 year record is better than BU, Michigan & UND when you factor in NC's.
Clearly BC is in a class by itself. Yet despite all their success they've only won two National Championships in the last 60 years.
But I would guess that playing in a "top-heavy" league like Hockey East gives BC an advantage.
It's not about having "lower expectations"....however the REALITY of all sports is that championships for your team are mostly rare. That's just how it is. Sometimes your team just isn't good enough, deal with it. I wish it wasn't true, but UND was just the better team this year.
Thanks for the post Brad. I agree with you 100%. I grow tired of the trash talk. It's OK to be passionate about your team (as I have been for 40 years about DU) but there is no need to resort to coarse language.
While CC will always be a big rival for us, I think that the games between DU and UND are even more intense, and that's OK.
We play different brands of hockey. As much as I hate to say this, I think that UND is by far the best team in the final four.
It's nice to see Frattin cleanup his act and take his game to another level.
Is there any doubt that the WCHA is the toughest league in the nation. I don't think so.
Good luck in a couple of weeks.
Okay Brad Johnson, then it's time for the civil UND fans to tell the others to grow up. It wasn't fun for me to sit their and listen to them whine, cry and complain about every whistle, our coaches and players and then give me a hard time - it wasn't fun at all and not one other UND fan stepped up to shut the idiot(s) up. I was there to enjoy my kid's hockey game. I am all for a great rivalry but what I witnessed was disappointing. I don't take what is posted on this blog as personal what I do take as personal is trying to enjoy a game and listening to all the crap being said about our players and coaches. Didn't see any Sioux fan putting a stop to it. You want to be a class act? Then take charge and don't let those fans be jerks. Go Michigan.
1990-2011 FF appearances
BC = 8
BU = 8
Michigan = 8
UND = 6
Wisconsin = 4
DU = 2
It's about putting yourself/team in a position to win it all not necessarily winning it all (although that is the point now isn't it)
Here is the one that I forgot that really stings:
1990-2011 FF appearances
CC = 3
I know, they came up empty but seriously...
1990-2011 NCAA Championships:
BC -3
BU -2
Michigan -2
UND -2
Wisconsin -2
DU -2
and your point is?
CC -0
To anonymous 1:54,
I am sorry that the UND fans you encountered were rude. Unfortunately, there are too many that act that way. I can't say that I've seen any of these problems because I've been to only 1 game in the last 10 years because I moved to N. Carolina and don't get back very often. And, I'm sure that there are many fans from all different schools that do the same thing, which doesn't make it right, but I think it has more to do with people being less civil than they used to be. So, I apologize on behalf of the vast majority of Sioux fans that are generally well behaved and courteous. We are very passionate about our team and that does spill over into some less than kind language, but that doesn't excuse being an ass. I know this probably doesn't mean much, but I can assure you that most of the ND fans you would meet face to face would be gracious. Sure, they might like to talk a little junk, but when the games are over, would probably be the first to offer to buy you a drink and have a conversation.
Agreed Brad. You can't judge all ND fans on the disrespectful ones that comment without thinking. Many of us are normal, hockey-loving fans. I enjoy reading this blog because it's so well-written and updates pretty quickly. As much as I hate to say it, if DU would have prevailed to the Frozen Four, I'd have to cheer for them rather than UMD. Congrats on a great season, and we'll see you next year.
I think that the biggest downfall for this season, which almost killed them on Saturday and finally did them in yesterday, was their inability to get on the board early. Ever since the beginning of the calendar year, they just seemed to have slow starts. The incredible thing was that they were able to stay in every game (and mostly come back). I was very surprised that the team didn’t address this issue and work harder on coming out of the gates with a bit more jump. I am sure that it could have been from many different reasons (youth, leadership, etc.) but I am still mystified that the coaching staff and the players couldn’t get a handle on this pressing, and ultimately, season ending issue.
Oh well, lots of youth for next year's team. I just hope that the younger players who are on the verge of signing realize that they have a national championship team next year.
My point is that our program (yes I am a DU grad both undergrad and grad school 2:13 you tool) needs to change something IF we want to be considered among the elite (those that contend for the National Championship each season). We certainly consider our program to be among the elite and based on our record during the regular season we are. However, the last few seasons we have been mired in mediocrity when we get to the playoffs. Why?
You can deny this (or continue to be in denial about it) if you like but facts are facts and the fact that we have only been to 2 FF's in the past 20 years (yes I am well aware that we won Championships - I was present each time) and that we have not advanced to the FF despite all of the talent that we have had is cause for concern/alarm. At least it is for me.
I mean you can't have much more motivation than to be playing games with the inspiration of an injured teammate only to come out flat for 55 minutes only to narrowly escape with an overtime win in 2 x overtime. We were outworked for most of that game and were very fortunate to have made it to the next game against UND. Frankly UND played passive in the 1st period and we should have really taken it to them but we were only able to muster a last second goal to go into the break tied. UND shrugged it off, woke up and proceeded to school us for the remainder of the game.
So you can continue to pretend that everything is all right and that putting together a great regular season record only to flame out in the playoffs and essentially waste all of the effort is acceptable. I personally don't and I won't. Its now how you start, its how you finish and we don't seem to know how to finish any more.
1990-2011 NCAA Championships:
BC -3
BU -2
Michigan -2
UND -2
Wisconsin -2
DU -2
Lake Superior State = 2
Do you consider Lake State an "elite" program these days? Didn't think so.
I heard Gwoz’ speech was less Knute Rockne and more Bluto from Animal House.
That's a joke son.
DU has some pretty big hurdles to overcome by the time the tournament rolls around each season.
The NCAA mandates that you can only have 18 scholarships. Same for every D-1 hockey power. But the state schools have far lower tuition, so they can give partials to in-state students and have the parents chip in a percentage.
So when a Jesse Martin gets hurt and William Wrenn takes off in mid-season to Canada, DU is essentially using 16 scholarship players.
Factor in bumps and bruises and a grinding 40 game schedule and DU has rarely been healthy at the end of the season.
The CCHA and Hockey East are essentally "top heavy" leagues, while the WCHA is "balanced." This means that BC, BU, Michigan & Miami can coast for weekends at a time
Now look at the Pairwise rankings that determine the Tournament fields. Generally, the #3 & #4 seeds are teams that got hot at the end of the season (CC, WMU, Air Force).
When was the last time that DU had a high scoring third line? 2005. When was the last time they had consistent production from the 4th line? 2005.
Finally and most important, early departures. DU won two NC's with full rosters. No one had left early. The players were good, but the NHL wasn't interested because DU had no track record of producing bona file NHL stars & the new CBA hadn't kicked in. That all changed.
It seemed to me that in this past weekend the DU players had no fire or spark or desire in them to win a playoff game. Playing against WMU they just seemed to lack something, even when Kyle Ostrow scored the first goal there was lack of excitement and celebration until Donovan scored the tying goal which seemed to wake them up. I know fatigue played into Sunday's game, but it still seemed that they had no motivation, when they had huge motivation....beating UND for Jesse Martin (that would've been motivation enough for me).
But then again maybe they were emotionally burnt out after a trying season where they had to watch one of their teammates be carted off the ice and wonder if he would recover (which we all obviously know now that he did!). And then taking UND into double overtime the weekend before and then losing had to be emotionally draining as well. Perhaps their emotionally draining season finally caught up to them and the high of "doing things for Jesse" etc. wore off.
They certainly played well this season, but I was sure disappointed when it seemed that the motivation to move on to the final four was not there. Such is life, and next year I'm sure DU will win it all!!
Now all I'm wondering is what am I going to do with myself unitl October? haha
You know I don't dispute anything you have stated re: state schools versus private schools, injuries, etc. and I particularly agree that success begat stronger recruiting and higher caliber players.
However, these are for the most part still excuses - every team faces injuries/adversity during the course of the season. All of the elite programs face players leaving early and it has devastated some (Minny) and has not hurt others (BC, BU).
I remember running into Ulanski at the AFA game the season that DU won a NC. He was out for a while with a shoulder injury I believe. He managed to come back later that season and contribute towards the championship. Losing Martin hurt the team terribly - great player, character guy and the horrific nature of the injury. Yet, great teams/programs find a way to surmount this.
I feel that you hit the nail on the head when you stated: "When was the last time that DU had a high scoring third line? 2005. When was the last time they had consistent production from the 4th line? 2005."
There were no superstars on that team (Matt Carle excepted perhaps) mostly muckers and grinders and some pretty good sized dudes such as Fulgum and the other D (captain - name escapes me).
There is no question that the teams of recent years have been much more skilled in terms of the caliber of player that we are recruiting (all Blue Chippers now) but I don't see any muckers and grinders on this team and I haven't for a while. I see highly skilled players who can skate like the wind but who will curl away from an opposing D man instead of finishing a check. I see guys that are getting too cute with the puck and trying to do too much.
I see that there are a couple muckers and grinders that will be joining next season but for the most part it will be more Blue Chippers...
College hockey has evolved and the biggest difference from the "old days" are the goaltenders and their enormous pads.
6'3 Sam Brittain drops into the butterfly and there's only one way to beat him. Over the shoulder with a pinpoint shot.
The muckers and grinders can't hit that shot to save their lives. Zucker, Shore, Ostrow, Salazar, Donovan and a few other elite players can do it, but that's it.
Let me first say as a die hard sioux fan I believe that the outcome of sundays game had a lot to do with the fact that DU played a long game the night before not that I'm saying they would have beat the sioux but the game would have been a lot closer.
Next I would like to plead to Jason Zucker to stay in school for a couple more years as you are a fantastic talent and the money will always be there for someone of your talent.
Finally to Jesse Martin god bless you on a speedy recovery and all of us in Grand Forks hope to see you in skates playing the game you love again, we look forward to another year of battling your great program next year
"College hockey has evolved and the biggest difference from the "old days" are the goaltenders and their enormous pads."6'3 Sam Brittain drops into the butterfly and there's only one way to beat him. Over the shoulder with a pinpoint shot."
Which UND did repeatedly (top shelf, backhand stick side , top shelf forehand glove side).
"The muckers and grinders can't hit that shot to save their lives. Zucker, Shore, Ostrow, Salazar, Donovan and a few other elite players can do it, but that's it"
Who the hell is going to get the puck to these elite players then? They aren't going into the corners to get it themselves for the most part.
I hope you are not insinuating that college hockey has come down to elite players lazering a shot into a small space. I recall being at the FF in DC 2 years ago and Colby Cohen won the game with a dribbler that banked off a a mucker in front of the net. Happens all of the time, much more than the highlight reel goals.
College hockey has evolved and the biggest difference from the "old days" are the goaltenders and their enormous pads.
No, the biggest difference is that college hockey has become similar to NCAA college basketball - a business and farm system for the pros.
Anon 4:18:00
There were no superstars on the 2005 team?
You mentioned the Hobey Baker winner. How about Paul Stastny, ever heard of him? There was so much talent on that team that they blew through NCAAs.
My bad re: Stastny.
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