Virginia Alumni To Watch Lacrosse In Houston

(above) Click to enlarge
The Houston Chapter University of Virginia Alumni Association will be meeting at Buffalo Wild Wings in Midtown to watch the DU-UVA lacrosse game on Saturday.  You might want to show up uninvited with your Boone sweatshirts and and cheer loudly for the Pioneers.

In all likelihood UVA Alums will be meeting in many major cities.  DU will probably be hosting alumni events nationally in several cities as well.


Pioneers04 said...

You going to crash that party DG?

dggoddard said...

I'm crashing the party in Baltimore.

Just thought I'd throw the article up as an example of what the Virginia Alumni Association was doing around the country.

Anonymous said...

DG, what's up with the blog. When I post a comment I get the following error:


dggoddard said...

A lot of people seem to be having this problem today according to this Google Support message board:

Try using a different browser and usually problems like this go away. Firefox, Safari and Explorer are the most common.

Firefox is usually the best browser to view LetsGoDU from Blogspot.

Anonymous said...

Of course the party is at a Buffalo Wild Wings restaurant. The CEO of the company is a UND grad. I smell a conspiracy theory brewing.


Aluuum said...

A North Dagoona grad is a CEO???
Are you sure about that?

Anonymous said...

Yep, I had to endure watching a UND and DU game on tv that was broadcast by a local GF station. Between periods, they showed outstanding alums. I think they also included a shift leader at Wal Mart and the overnight clerk at 7-11
