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(above) The University of North Dakota's new hockey logo really captures the spirit of the program |
Ruh Roh. The University of North Dakota party hockey team has finally gone too far and this time the head coach, the athletic department and the university have had enough of the antics. A blowout party on September 15th must have been a doozy, because the team captain and assistants took the brunt of the repercussions. In addition:
- UND's Athletics Department issued "team probation" under which any further violations by a team member could result in immediate reduction of scholarship, suspension from competition, or expulsion from the program.
- The implementation of a mandatory team community service program
- Weekly team alcohol education programming
- Senior captain Andrew MacWilliam and assistant captains Corban Knight, Danny Kristo and Carter Rowney have been suspended for the opening game of the 2012-13 regular season.
The suspensions are a result of a team party on Saturday, Sept. 15, according to a school-issued news release.
“The behavior in this situation was unacceptable,” North Dakota athletic director Brian Faison said in a statement. “Measures taken by the athletics department do not preclude possible additional measures by the department, or actions by the university or local and state authorities.”
“Recent actions by our team are not a good representation of our place as role models within our community,” added North Dakota coach Dave Hakstol. “We have young men of high character in our locker room, but our players, and in particular our leaders, must be accountable for their actions.”
In addition to the suspension of the team captains, Faison announced several additional team disciplinary measures including, but not limited to, athletics department-issued team probation under which any further violations by a team member could result in immediate reduction of scholarship, suspension from competition or expulsion from the program, the implementation of a mandatory team community service program and weekly team alcohol education programming.
The four captains will miss North Dakota’s game Oct. 19 against Alaska-Anchorage at the Brice Alaska Goal Rush in Fairbanks.
North Dakota Hockey Player Rap Sheet
August, 2005 - UND Captain Matt Greene arrested for DUI
July, 2006 - Robbie Bina Arrested For DUI
September, 2006 - Joe Finley arrested for "Loud Party"
November, 2006 - Jonathan Toews charged with "minor in consumption and noisy party gathering"
February, 2007 - Toews, T.J. Oshie & Bina arrested at Judy's Tavern
February, 2007- Grand Forks Police Chief Packett addresses team
April, 2007 - Toews & Oshie plead guilty
May, 2007 - Finley ordered to pay fine & perform community service
December, 2007 - Oshie arrested again, this time for disorderly conduct allegedly after peeing in an elevator
July, 2009 - Finley & Matt Frattin arrested for disorderly conduct, fleeing from police and giving false information
August, 2009 - Frattin arrested again. This time its DUI
September, 2010 - Danny Kristo cited by police for underage drinking
January, 2011 - Danny Kristo suffers frostbite in "Snowbank Incident"
April 2012 - Michael Parks cited for underage drinking
August 2012 - Dan Senkbeil cited for underage drinking & running from cops
August 2012 - Michael Parks cited for underage drinking for 2nd time
September 2012- Captains Andrew MacWilliam, Corban Knight, Danny Kristo & Carter Rowney suspended one game after "unacceptable behavior at team party"
You have to wonder if the UND players read LetsGoDU.
The problem is if a player goes out and, heaven forbid, has an alcohol related car accident after all these incidents...
Lack of institutional control anyone?
The rap sheet just never ends.
I am sure that drinking happens on all college sports teams, but these guys at UND have raised stupidity level to an all time high.
Hakstol talks character, but his players don't seem to have it, tear after year.
Don't blame these young men for some good-hearted partying. Blame thier parents, for sending them to a shit school. What would YOU do if you had to live and study in Americas Crappiest Town?
Here we go again. More about UND and less about the DU hockey program.......is this the UND board or the DU board. Will be the UND board in about 2 hours.
Cause DU hockey players don't party? What did they do besides party? There is no police report. Suspending your captains for a game is lack of institutional control? You losers bag on people that troll your site. How did you find out about this story....trolling a Sioux site. Talk about your own hockey program.....that's right you don't have anything to talk about besides UND. Our players party, and we will all party in Denver in Feb. You wonder why there are so many Sioux fans on your site.....well that's all you talk about.
UND makes more news, and DG stokes the rivarly fires to heat up readership.
In this day and age, D-I athletes need to be smarter, and UND's athletes simply don't get it.
It's partly a character issue in recruiting. UND wants to be baddass, and they pay for it in arrests and suspensions.
It's also a leadership issue. Team Penalties for this kind of thing have been light up there.
The common thread here is Hakstol. What kind of men is he forming?
Dude...part of the Code of Conduct for being a fan of the DU Hockey Program clearly states that the und hockey program and their fans must be clowned on regularly.
Don't worry you are not alone, as Article 1, Section 9, Subsection 57 clearly states that the cc hockey program and their fans must be bitch-slapped on a regular basis as well.
It's how we roll.
Remind me, again. How many NC's has hakstool won?
If you are a UND fan, you should be embarrassed by the YEARS of violations, arrests, suspensions and bad publicity generated by your players. It's clear that the players don't listen to the coaches, ADs or even the police. You have a cultural problem in that program, and UND players continue this year after year...
DU players likely aren't choir boys - we have bad apples every now and then, but there is NO question that the DU character level is higher. You simply don't see that kind of repeated stupidity in Denver year after year...
INSANITY: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
I can't wait for just one slip up by a DU player....oh I can't wait. Looking forward to watching Gwoz's boys sh&t the bed this year.
Hak is how old? Hak has been a coach how long? How many years has he missed the dance? Lock up Gwoz and then talk sh&T. You are losing Gwoz away from having a program like Mankato's. Your fans don't care when you are good....what's it like when you suck? Enlighten me on how at 35 year stretch felt.
The scars on the trophy from 2004 show that they aren't Choir Boys here at DU either, but at least they waited until after the season and the victory to be morons.
Rage on Susie!!!! You're HAWT when you're that mad. ZOMG.
Of course DU players will occasionally get in trouble. But I can't honestly remember the last time it happened--Lukas Dora in 2004 (suspended for the national championship game), and some random suspensions along the way. Compare that to North Dakota, where there appears to be a culture of idiocy that Hakstol encourages by recruiting stupid players that are prone to do stupid things. You reap what you sow--Hakstol has ignored character in recruiting for so long, and it's coming back to bite him in the ass.
It was a rookie party. I am sure on par with DU's rookie party. I am sure there was under age drinking. yawn...Next UND story please. This one is boring me already. Or....maybe.....you chat about DU's upcoming season. Novel idea.
What do you expect from their role model Hakstol? Didn't he give the ref's a middle finger salute? Sounds like things are out of control in GF when the captains can't control the players.
Didn't gwoz run out on the ice chasing an official in GF like a little pu&&y?
I love these UND players....always entertaining. Dumber than a box of rocks, but entertaining. Led by a complete nitwit (Hakstol), these knuckle draggers just can't figure out the rules of law. Maybe we can all pony up some cash to buy some club soda and warm milk for these guys to drink at parties.
in '06...was the Robbie Bina incident before or after DU broke his neck?
You should add "Bucks" Bochenski to your Fighting whioux? list of stupidity for using a copier to print himself some money....and then getting caught.
Maybe they gave Grimaldi a "Friar Tuck" haircut.
That's one campus that should ban the sale of alcohol at athletic events, FOR SURE. All Ralph Englestad Arena is......is a very big and beautiful bar, with ice in it. Those retards wouldn't function if they couldn't converge on the Ralph and drink to oblivion. Nice legacy, eh?
3 players booked for DUI's in the past seven years, a dozen or so players arrested and every event listed tied to drinking.
Yep, Hakstol is doing a magnificent job supervising the boyz.
Englestad Arena makes Magness look like a community ice rink. No comparison. You'll be kissing UNDs ass next year in the NCHC. You'll need the revenue they generate. Gwoz knew the hopes of the new conference hinged on UND. If he couldn't get UND, there was no hope for a new conference. Need to change the name to the NDHC. Your welcome DU and all of five of you that follow DU hockey.
Nothing generates blog hits like a another North Dakota alcohol- related indicent. UND fans need to be bit more introspective rather than defensive about this and see where the road is going...
The fact that incidents these happen at least annually (if not more often, and sometimes in rapid fire) tells me the there is "lack of instutional control" at UND when it comes to alcohol and the hockey program. So far, they've been very lucky that no one has been seriously injured or killed as a result of these many incidents.
If someone were to (pardon the pun)'sue' UND for a hockey-related incident that caused injury or death, any decent lawyer could easily look at the long, seemingly endless alchol rap sheet at UND and conculde that the school has not been able to corral the culture of alchol that surrounds UND hockey program. We can only assum that since the known rap sheet is a long one, you can just imagine what isn't caught or reported.
This will probably cost Hakstol his job someday if it cannot be fixed. Hopefully, some adult up there will change things. It's only a matter of time...
dggoddard.....you seem to sit around and not do anything but follow UND Hockey....so was Bina's DUI after Gwoz's DU broke his neck????
Bina's DUI had nothing to do with his neck. It was an incredibly terrible and scary moment and I'm very happy he's on the ice skating again. You only say that to be a troll and try to cause arguments. Grow up child.
"You only say that to be a troll and try to cause arguments." - What the F is this whole thread about. If report on UND, you can guaruntee we will be all over your little board. Lets stop claiming DU has the moral high ground. I am sure as we speak a DU hockey player is porking one of your daughters in the dorm.
I think Hakstol's emotional and mental development were stunted at some point--leaving him with that dazed, vacant, and slightly angry and offended look that never seems to leave his face. A fine representative for that university!
Hak = INCH 11-12 Coach of the year. Gwoz left to explain a 1st round exit and explain why all his talent left.
2:23....is that you, Joe Finley? Don't you have a beer league game to play in this afternoon?
Gowz 26 years coaching and 573 wins. Hak 8 years coaching and 213 wins. Hak's doing pretty well as an 8 yr coach. He'll get his titles. Can't wait to watch it piss you losers off.
uuummmm Finley is on the Sabres and goes up and down between the NHL and the AHL. I guess he's a failure like all the DU alums slumming it in the AHL.
How about comparing hockey player police arrests/citations?
UND Hockey: 10-12 in the last 7 years.
DU Hockey: 0 in the last 18 years.
Checkmate. And knock-on-wood...
You better knock on wood.....
Finley is in the pro ranks because he's 6'7, 250. That's the only reason. Otherwise, he's worthless. My grandma could beat him in a skating contest.
I'm pretty sure most of the team was drunk last year when we kicked your ass at the final 5
Don't forget the passing out in snowbanks competition: UND wins that one, 1-0. Impressive. But not as impressive as DU's 1-0 win over UND in the 2004 NCAA regional. Also slightly less impressive than DU's thumping of UND in the 2005 national championship game. DU wins 2 national titles at North Dakota's expense. That's gotta suck.
UND also holds the advantage in lawnmower tossing and pissing in elevators. Those chumps sure make their mammas proud!!
Feb 15, 2013 [his 21st birthday] can't come soon enough for UND forward Michael Parks. Two "Minor in Possession" citations in the past four months and we can only assume he was at the Big Party that the cops broke up on September 15th.
Good news for Parks and his family. He won't get arrested in Denver when UND comes to town the following weekend [Feb. 22-23, 2013]. He'll finally be 21 years old.
great detective work....you sure do have a ton to do today.
Look at how jealous little brother get's when big brother goes out and has a good time, it's almost time for the dasher monkey and his whaaaaa-mbulance to hit the ice.
Joe Finley % NHL games so far. Not as though he's really been up and down between the AHL and NHL.
This beat-down never gets old, Finley beaten like a rented mule. As long as Big Joe keeps leading with his face he won't be in the show for very long.
That's 5 NHL games for Big Joe.
I can't wait to pound you miserable f**cks in Feb.
4:28 - That's perfect, dead-on, stereotypical UND mentality, which is well-taught by Hackstol & Eades to thier goons. Yes, get on the ice and head hunt, pound, with intent to injure.... you quadrapoops! You know the penalty box well. retaliation feels good.... until you're in the box and the other team racks up the power play goals... and you walk your sorry losing ass out of the rink.
Hard lesson for some young men. Poor choices, bad judgement, whatever you want to call it. At the end of the day, life will go on and hopefully, "lessons will be learned."
To this blog's editor....DG. You hide behind the veil of an alum who say's he's trying to ramp up student support and school spirit in general. In reality, you spend the majority of your time spreading a message of hate. This seems to be working pretty well. Just look at the content and amount of comments posted on any subject other than promoting DU athletics. If this is what you want to be remembered for, have at it.
Fact check folks.....DG has zero credibilty on campus and he's an embarrassment to Denver University.
DG, it's time to grow up.
Like any Mom would say.."I think it's time for you to learn your lesson"
lol, Susie Anon needs a hug.
Anyone willing to risk the likely disease transfer?
+Let's not forget the '68 NC game whitewashing. 4-0. Scoreless after two. Sweet.
+Frank Serratore once told me as an assistant at UND the strategy was to avoid bringing recruits in during the day. They might actually see what a septic tank Grand Forks is.
+As to bad boys, I've mentioned before about Lynn Powis (who had a multi-year NHL career) coming to the Arena drunk one night and pushing one of the ushers around. Murray punted him into low earth orbit. No probation, no discussion, he was gone, period.
+This business of the Former Sioux being thugs and bullies is of fairly recent vintage. I recall their reputation was as a tough, talented bunch. But not cheap shot artists. It's nice to have standards, unfortunately they have the wrong standards. But they play in that gold plated fornicatorium and they've got to keep the big crowds of those toothless deep thinkers happy. Wait, did I forget the green wigs and jockeys?
Lol, Susie definitely needs a hug. Also, funny how Susie stalks this blog more than any DU fan and keeps on calling us obsessed with the Sioux. Ever hear the story about the pot and kettle, Susie?
And, you keep on trying to tell us how much we suck and how irrelevant we are. Every post you have just proves how relevant we are. Keep on posting Susie...
I keep forgeting that I keep talking about Frank Serratore.....Somebody please help me!!
6:50....Top Cat shows up, what a loser.
Nice fact check. Since when does a statement of 100% opinion qualify as a fact check? Typical for a whioux? fan.
540Wow didn't realize there were more than 5 DU fans in this country. Hell there has to be close to 10 after reading these idiotic posts. My God shut the program down at UND. Players drinking. Who would of ever thought. Move along.
Rumblings going around is that it possibly was a hazing incident.
If so, it'd explain the action taken by the school.
I'm glad to see the troll hole hasn't lost it's appeal.
DG trolls... in the name of science...
One thing the Sue and Pios share equally, is sub-par, crappy officiating. Did you see the Broncos NFL game? Heck, I thought they had WCHA Refs on the field!! I was like....wtf? Anderson? Shep? Is that you????? LOL
Wow....quite the spirited discussion. Sioux fan here and I have a quick question. In '04, when DU knocked off UND in the first round of tourney. What were UND's and DU's seed in the region? It was the night of my bachelor party (game wasn't televised)and I remember being in complete shock UND lost to DU.
Anyway....good luck this upcoming season. Looks like you lost quite a bit of talent this year, but we go through that every few years as well. I am sure Gwoz will have them ready and you'll be right in the mix.
I am not going to say GF is Denver, but it is one hell of a place to catch a hockey game and some of your fans should really consider traveling up here for the series in Dec (hell you'll never have another excuse to actually go to ND). Don't let the D-bags who get on here completely form your opinion of Sioux fans. Majority of Sioux fans love hockey, and really know the game. Most Soux fans are disgusted by the teams behavior recently and we need that to change. We are going to have a great team this year, and we can't have that kind of BS distracting the team and the university. Most sioux fans are more likely to buy you a beer then heckle you. Get up here, and the 1st round is on me.
@ Anon 10:19 -
North Dakota was #1. They beat Holy Cross in the first round of the regional to advance to the final.
DU was #2. They beat Miami in the first round.
That's right. Thanks,
Frankly, what else is there to do in Grand Forks? Talk about deadsville..The women are homely, it is cold dark and gloomy, no trees, and a second-rate education. Pro Development is important but having a life is important, too. Most of these guys are drooling all over themselves and couldn't spell cat if you spotted them the C and the A. Then, throw 'hands-off Hackstool' into the mix and you have a witches brew. No wonder the program is up for grabs. I am glad that DU has not sold their soul to try to develop a first level program with second level characters.
GF is a town of 55k, in a state of 650k. Sioux fans aren't going to ever say GF is heaven on earth. I watch the news and the Denver area isn't exactly the uptopia you make it out to be.
Tim is 89 your IQ or the last year you got laid.
Agreed 100% about going to a game at the Ralph. I'm all DU...but it is a great time, for sure. Gotta go early in the year before the weather goes bad. We went the year Martin went down. Its a wild place and Magness is no comparison...honest truth.
Of course it no comparison. DU is a small, private school with 5k undergrads and DU hockey is sport #12-14 in Denver, after the 8 pro teams and 4-6 larger college teams (CU, CSU, AFA and Wyoming). Most DU fans grew up out of state. Add to that the fact that Colorado has so many other distractions, and you can see why NO college sports teams here have fanatic followings. In fact, only the Broncos have a fanatic following here, and even that waxes and wanes sometimes.
The Sioux are the top sport in the state with no pro sports and no bigger colleges and have most of the state behind them as a flagship carrying the state name. They are they only game in town.
Anon 2:52. Thanks for the question. Eighty nine stands for the number of times I was with your mother. She obviously was not from ND!
Looks like a couple of DU players got a nice 4 game suspension. Can you say karma? lol.
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