(above) DU's Mascot Task Force is developing a replacement for Boone |
From: DU Clarion
by Gigi Peccolo
The Mascot Steering Committee is currently developing seven concepts for the new mascot and will continue to refine the designs within the coming weeks, according to group founder Will Guy.
The seven concepts leaked on alumnus Damien Goddard’s “LetsGoDU Sports Blog” are: a mountaineer, a mustang, a hiker/climber, a jackalope, an elk, a golden retriever and a robot (a nod to the robotics program). Each conceptual drawing will be accompanied by a backstory for the mascot, according to Guy [read entire article].
This is a joke. They already have selected the mountain man and all of this surveying ,meetings, etc.,etc, is just smoke.
During my student days I worked up in the mines and stayed in small mountain towns. if you think our Boone is some type of male offensive figure try a mountain man. Friday night was fight night in the local bar. A mountain man's idea of foreplay is "get in the truck bitch" Boone is the local minister compared to a typical mountain man.
Your description of mountain men gives me chills.
Here's the thing... isn't Boone already a mountain man? I mean Boone was a updated version of Pioneer Pete.
The whole fuckin nation is laughing their asses off. What a joke we have for "leaders".
hearing from inside that it's down to Mountain Man and the Elk
So what is the future for BOONE? We all love BOONE and want to see him at every game. Will he PIONEER ON in the true sprit of BOONE. SHOVE THE ELK MTN. MAN CRAP UP THERE COLLECTIVE BUTTS. WE WANT BOONE
If an alum and student vote were taken, Boone against mountain man--Boone would easily triumph.
Another disappearing act by Zucker. Just like the big games during his time at DU. We need to get more average players who will play for 4 yrs. That's the recipe for success.
The Mountain Man will be the front runner right up until the last minute when Coombe will select the Elk.
The definition of boring is an Elk. I live up here in the front range with Elk all around. All they do is walk around eating grass and when it's nice and warm sit down and look around. That's it! BORING!! Just the opposite of what our pioneer spirit is all about.
10% want Boone, who isn't coming back under Coombe.
5% want an Elk.
10% are just like pick something and be done with it already.
75% don't care at all.
While I'm not going to argue your numbers, the fact that DU refuses to hold an election or a survey makes the entire process bullshit.
No other university has its Chancellor replace the mascot [Ritchie in 1998], veto discussion on reinstating the Mascot [Coombe in 2008] and bringing in a new mascot as long as its not Boone [Coombe in 2013].
Sure Coombe can do whatever he wants with the mascot, but its naive to think that there won't be fallout.
If a student-Alum election were held Boone would easily win. Coombes knows that so it won't happen
From the very limited focus groups they did, faculty are the ones leading the charge for an animal, while the alumni clearly want a human. Students were somewhat split between Human and Animal, but the focus groups probably had more anti-boone people due to the group maekup.
I think we are heading towards a showdown between a mountain man and the elk.
External testing will be interesting, but not numerically important.
In the end, Coombe and his trustees will need to decide on the best compromise to please the most people and avoid revolt/ridicule (Mountain man) or do they go forawrd to please faculty and a minority of people with the Elk and risk the full blown rage of the majority.
I find it rich that two groups who barely go to sporting events (faculty and minority-allied students) are the ones who get determine our mascot future.
The students, alumni and season ticket holders don't matter as much as the other two do to Coombe.
anon 2 :05. In summary, what you are saying is that they have placed themselves between a rock and a hard place.
If Coombe allowed the students to vote he might not get the result he wanted, but the issue would be decided once and for all.
Using a hand selected Mascot Task Force he's certain to get the result he wants, but assumes 100% of the liability.
Plus the issue will never be resolved or go away.
anon 12:14
That's always been the case.
They preach inclusiveness but practice exclusiveness.
The corner gets tighter and the hole gets deeper.
Keep digging selection committee.
Mountain man can also have a slogan which he can repeat at opportune times: "get in the truck bitch" (stolen from the first entrant)
They won't do the mountain man because he posses the same 'issue' as Boone. Otherwise, they would change the name from Boone to Pioneer Pete and be done with it.
It will be an animal. Elks are boring. Dogs are loveable but what do they have to do with a Pioneer? Mustang - Can you say SMU? Of course, nothing says western like robot...
While a Jackalope has nothing to do with Pioneers, it is at least different and western. Plus, it leaves the 'space' for a highly improbable Boone return when/if it fails. Who wouldn’t want a jackalope on their jersey? Our mascot is already on the walls of most Colorado dive bars - jump start!
Letting the faculty decide the mascot is like Alice deciding where Marsha should go to college on the Brady Bunch.
tim89 -- mountain man is much more male dominant offensive than Boone. if they find Boone offensive than this guy is an ogre.
2:59, but he's probably not as offensive to Native Americans. Why pick Boone that only offends less than 5% of the population when you can pick a mascot that offends at least 50%!
Its gonna hurt, but if this fiasco meets fruition, hit them in the pocket books. First major athletic event, boycott. If you are pissed about this, get the word out for a boycott & stick to your guns. If successful, it shows the "dear leaders" this has gone way to far. Maybe not fair to the participants, but would be an eye opener. The majority of true Pioneers will have spoken.
All the emails to the Alumni Office did have an effect on the process.
There are plenty of Boone supporters on the Mascot Task Force and it probably explains why they are leaning towards the Mountaineer at this time.
But when people ask if a Coonskin Cap could be considered on any of the proposed mascots they are told "No."
The animals have tested poorly thus far.
DG, I can't get your Alice and Marcia Brady analogy out of my head. It is sending me into a mental tailspin. I just can't picture Alice having to make this decision. As the Beastie Boys say: "Like Sam the Butcher, I bring home the meat."
Guess the bottom line is, don't let the help make the major decisions for the family. :-)
That applies to Coombe and the faculty.
Might as change the school nickname to the "Mountaineers" if that is the mascot. And while at it, since there is an investigation in the university's Founder might as well change the name of the school as well. I can just hear it now, Here are your 2015 Ritchie Mountaineers! Shoot me now!
All three suck
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