Colorado College Raises New Banner Of Intolerance

For years our friends at Colorado College have had more banners than any other team in the WCHA hanging from the ceiling of the World Arena. Many have asked how this is possible since they haven't won a National Championship since 1957.

It turns out that you can have a banner made for any mundane accomplishment such as:
  • 1974-75 "Finshing over .500"
  • 1993-94 "Winning record for the 1st time in 14 years"
  • 2004-05 "Sweeping DU at home"
  • 2007-08 "Blackface Incident"


Eric J. Burton said...

Your not going to win a lot of friends with that post... :)

dggoddard said...

I've been working with my psychologist on becoming more "likeable." Alas, this post has obviously been a setback.

Anonymous said...

Win friends or not the sad fact is that it is the truth. CC has a banner for everything. I guess that this happens when you can't win the #1 big prize(NCAA) 0r the #2 prize the Broadmoor. Good luck in dealing with the setback.

Anonymous said...

Born and raised in Boston and can tell you that CC has Banner Envy. The Bruins have it with the Celtics, and as Patriots Fan, this used to be the funniest banner ever:

I am wondering since the colts won the SB, if they have taken that stupid thing down.