Chamber's Blog Reports Bozak Will Return To DU

Mike Chamber's Blog has the scoop about Tyler Bozak's return to DU. He also has details from the DU Hockey Awards Banquet last night.


Twister said...

Great news about Bozak! He should be one of the top players in the WCHA next season.

Angélique C. Murray (Jori) said...

Despite this year's disappointing end, next year is shaping up to be a fun team.

Anonymous said...

i hurt my knee last night

Anonymous said...

More rug burns eh?

Anonymous said...

Bozak's return bodes well for the 08-09 edition of the Pioneers. If Chevy can step in and prove himself at the college level, DU has a chance to be special.

dggoddard said...

This is one reason why I wanted Chevy to get more starts this past season.

DU got off to that great start last season and kind of put all their eggs in Mannino's basket.

I heard Chevy made a ton of progress last season and should be ready to go. I also heard that Paulgaard is going to see some action as well.