Bruce Ciske, the voice of the Minnesota-Duluth Bulldogs and Kate Crandall, the beat writer for Colorado College will no longer be covering WCHA hockey.
Midwest Communications operations manager Jack Lawson said Tuesday that the company is de-emphasizing sports and moving toward news and talk radio. Because of that change, Ciskie’s position was terminated. However, Lawson said Ciskie “was a professional, hard-working employee and a first-class guy.”
The Duluth News Tribune reported, Ciskie, 31, had been UMD’s play-by-play man for more than three years. Ciske had been with the company for 12 years.
Kate wrote in the CC Tiger blog, "The Colgate game was my last and today is my last day at The Gazette."
"I am leaving to pursue opportunities outside of the journalism world. Starting in June, I will be teaching middle school in the School District of Philadelphia through Teach For America."
"I’m looking forward to making an impact in my classroom, but I’ll certainly miss covering the Tigers. It’s been great."
We figure she just wants to go to a school that's got a chance to win a championship.
Both Ciske & Crandall did a great job covering their teams and its another loss for mainstream media coverage in the WCHA.
Both Ciskie and Crandall are professionals, and will be missed.
Ciskie certainly got a raw deal from his employer. I hope he can find another place for his passion for the game.
Crandall, a former Yale athlete, is likely destined for bigger things than covering college hockey. Teach for America is a highly prestigious gig - only about 2500 get accepted with 25,000high level people applying for a spot.
I wish them both well.
I loved the comment about Kate wanting to go to a school that can win a championship... GREAT STUFF!!!!
That's bad news, especially for Bruce. Sounds like he got blindsided. I hope he lands on his feet soon!
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