Stoker's editorial will surely grab the attention of DU's ultra-liberal PC faculty with jabs such as, "Ironically, this symbol [Boone] that was created to bring the school together has torn it apart, like an Indian violently scalping the hair off a dying pioneer settler."
Get ready for the howls of indication from DU's misnamed Center For Multicultural Excellence. They'll claim that the pioneers deserved to be scalped due to "microaggressions" perpetrated by the settlers and that the natives were the true victims.
Its a great read, so check it out.
So, would you say that LetsGoDU perpetrates macroaggressions?
Without question. We don't have time for microaggression.
If this was facebook, I'd be liking that comment.
Somehow missed this post, but wanted to make sure to thank you for sharing your positive words about the new
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