(above) A UND hockey blog made a variety of sexist and vulgar comments about Denver based TV reporter Alanna Rizzo in a recent posting
University of North Dakota hockey blog "
Sioux Yeah, Yeah" went on a sexist rant in a recent posting. The blog called Denver based sports reporter Alanna Rizzo a variety of sexist and demeaning names that are too vulgar to print here.
It will be interesting to see if the University of North Dakota will continue to tolerate this type of behavior from its fans. The blogger in question is obviously no rocket scientist, because he has the Fighting Sioux trademark displayed prominently on his site.
I am telling you there is way too much inbreeding up north.
I'm off to get my popcorn for this one...
The irony is FCS-Rocky Mountain sent a crew up to Grand Forks last season and spent a lot of money to televise a game that many Sioux Fans could watch on TV.
They treated Alanna like dirt at the game, the Arena security did nothing to protect her from the fans and now FCS-RM isn't televising the games in Grand Forks this year.
The blogger called the DU fight song retarded...
...and he titled his post, "Gwozdecky is a mean, mean man."
Now let's just compare for a second...assuming this is a guy who isn't in school, he's either got the intellect of a 3 year old or he should be describing something else as retarded.
For the record, the use of "retarded" as a negative description is a terrible thing...but if you're gonna drag it into your posts, be prepared for touranbout.
I'm sure that blogger is an inbred like the rest of the other people that live in North Dakota.
You'd think they'd welcome fresh blood to deepen their kiddie pool-sized gene pool....
Must be a side effect of all the nukes in the ground up that way.
Sioux fans, like the slapdick who writes that blog, are like mushrooms......they should be fed a steady diet of sh** and be kept in the dark.
Ok, buddy, like good luck this season. Whos #1 to start the year, haha. He's just bitter bc he probobly spent 6 years in Grand Forks.
little background on this blogger, he is from the twin cities, don't think he ever attended UND and currently lives in denver. and i doubt he really expected this post to be taken seriously,
I'll give props to Trev for most original insult of ND ever seen on this blog. It's kinda funny whenever ND gets brought up everybody starts talking about inbreeding like they are geniuses for coming up with it all on their own.
i meant for the nukes insult, but out of the 10 comments on this post 3 are talking about inbreeding, nice work people
you all need lives.
Sara, you may be right, but if you are, you need to find one yourself, because you are on this blog and posting just like everybody else. Nice try though
I don't care much for either blog, but I'm still amazed that Gwoz jumped the dasher to walk across the ice to talk to the Ref. I have never ever seen that in hockey at any level. Congrats DU on being the first. Wow.....classless!
How about a coach shooting the middle finger to a ref, would you call that classless?
I'll take delivery of my Internet in person at the upcoming exhibition game.
rizzo over reacted about the trip to grand forks. come on doogard. BUT no way the blog should call her that. idiotic and dont lump all sioux fans in that group. there are bad apples in eevry fan base including du if you even believe it. inbreeding comments are just as bad as hooker comments so grow up people. please grow up. everything doesnt need to be made into headlines over stupid ass fans anywhere. go sioux, go wcha. i respect the hell out of du hockey as a diehard sioux fan. guck the fophers though...
and tuck the figers :-)
this is the writer of SiouxYeahYeah. Some of you "anonymous" comments should man up and say what you want to say on my blog. Really, you have to hide behind that?
I'm glad you all take me seriously and think I'm a bad person.
Not everyone has a blogger account or an Open ID -- otherwise many of us would post on your blog I'm sure.
It's not a question of just wanting to stay anonymous --- just not everyone blogs and has such an account. I may have posted my above comments on yours if you allowed me to type my name like DG does.
Brandon.....blah, blah, blah. You think posting with your name makes you more of man?? Really?? Go take a flying leap, twirp.
How do you know someone is from North Dakota? When their front porch collapses and it kills more than four dogs.
The train for Chicago leaves at 1:15, the train for Duluth leaves at 1:30 and the train for Fargo leaves when the big hand is on the 9 and the little hand is on the 1.
The train can move pretty quickly.
I am a bit confused how the train can travel from Chicago to Duluth in the same amount of time it can travel from Duluth to Fargo though. You weren't much of a geography whiz, were you?
Maybe Hakstol can rebuke Gwozdecky's comment the next time there is a professional sporting event in Grand Forks.
A professions sporting event in Grand Forks....in order for that statement to work, you must have REAL professional sports in Denver! Avs, please, they should have stayed in Quebec! Rockies, hell, most AAA teams can beat them! Broncos, let's all hug each other and get paid millions of dollars! And don't even get me started on the Nuggets, the NBA isn't a sport, and it will never be! Denver, you have NO professional teams! Oh, and don't be crying when the Gophers kick your ass this year on the ice! This is the State of Hockey.
The Vikings are a perennial disappointment. The Timberwolves have been a joke since they joined the league. The Stars moved to Texas (where they won a Cup)and the Wild have had one moderately decent season. The Twins are the lone bright spot historically in Minnesota pro sports and they haven't won anything since 1991. The only "professional" sports team to win any championship in Minnesota in almost 20 years is the Gophers hockey team, who will probably be lucky to finish 6th in the WCHA.
As for Denver pro sports, we have had 4 major championships in the last 15 years, we hosted the World Series in 2007 and are poised to make the playoffs again (check the standings, see the Rockies and then look at the Twins), and the Nuggets are right on track to be a good team for years to come. Not to mention the fact that DU has a stronger team this year than they have had in years and Minnesota has been in constant rebuilding mode ever since 2003. Good luck to the Gophers because they are going to need all of it and more to have any shot at making the tournament this year.
I have a question: Who told Sioux fans about the internet?
i hope more college hockey coaches do what gwoz did in forks. that's passion and world class coaching. if you're gonna fire up your boys/girls, do it with some lou pinella fire. go miami!
So where did this guy see the coverage? I didn't think DirectTV or DishNetwork did even installs in trailer parks?? And are you allowed to use welfare payments for cable TV? I guess it could have been at the Wal-Mart in Fargo (but not the fancy supercenter that sells groceries).
This is old news ~ which is also exactly what they'll be saying during the NCAA Selection Show about DU being heavily favored to win in Detroit.
And another thing = CC SUX
Ok, to the person who comment back about Pro Sports in Denver. There are things you should know about Minnesota. A) The ViQueens suck! They will be moving to LA here in a few years, because of how bad they are, and we don't want to fund a new stadium they will use. Broncos have won a few Super Bowl titles, but what have they done lately? Nothing, that's right! B) Timberwolves, they could play in the WNBA, and still have a non-winning season. Going to one of the games is about as exciting as watching paint dry on a wall. Same thing with your Nuggets!
C) Twins, we have been in the playoffs more in the past decade than you have! If you want to look at records this year, you might also want to look at that you play in the worst league. The National League is the worst! Come play in the American League, and let's see how you do! You would play worse than the Baltimore O's! You don't have the play the Yankees, Red Sox, White Sox, Tigers, etc. etc. All you have to worry about is the Cardinals! D) As for the stars, who the hell are they! Greedy Norm Green took them from us, and even when they were with us, they would beat your damn Avs! The Wild now are better than the Avs. Quicker, smarter, and hell, they even look better! And you say only 1 season? That wouldn't be 2003 would it? When we beat you in the first round, and your goalie was so pissed off that he retired? Granted, Roy was a fantastic goalie through out his entire career, if not the best!
All those in Pioneer country think that DU will be good this year. I have to say it, but you are smoking too much crack! Gophers may not have been in the tourny last year, but they will be back this year! Watch out for Gopher Nation!
dg, you should be really proud of a DU Hockey blog that gets all of its attention from opposing schools. Why dont you write some quality stuff about your own school and see if you generate some interest. One word here.............BORING!!
And yet you came here to read it. Hmmm....
UND is in Grand Forks. Say what you want about Sioux fans at least we know where the teams in the WCHA are located.
I actually enjoy watching Gwoz get shit crazy for his team, the man has his heart in the right place sticking up for his team. Hakstol does the same thing and class this class that, every coach has had their moment in the "official apology" section of the paper. DU and UND will have great teams this year and maybe DU can redeem themselves from the 8-3 trouncing and 3pt weekend UND served them last year. But Alanna is a dirty whore who should have kept her cock holster shut.
Lots of trolling with this particular story ... lol.
Good times .. good times...
I an now officially pumped for college hockey season!
To sum up this thread quickly, UND sucks and Minnesota sports are bad in general and according to some history revisionists Denver sports also suck (except for those Stanley Cups, Super Bowls and National Championships).
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