Colorado College Player's Mom Went To DU

(above) Mom's who went to DU are always hotter than their Colorado College counterparts

From: Colorado Springs Gazette
by Joe Paisley

Colorado College freshman Andrew Hamburg has been stoking the friendly CC-Denver rivalry within his family since he committed to the Tigers.

The forward was even nice enough to give his mother, Donna, a Denver graduate, a “You can’t spell dumb without DU” sweatshirt for Christmas.

She took it well, knowing his teasing sense of humor. She’s even worn it a few times to CC games.

“She sort of has to. She’s my mom,” he said. “She’ll always be a Pioneer; unfortunately. She still had her 'CC Sucks' shirt from when she went to school there and that was a long time ago.”

As you can tell, this week has never been about diplomacy for the Hamburgs or the state's college hockey fans.

1 comment:

Puck Swami said...

Stormy Hamburg?