Four University of Denver players or recruits were selected; Will Butcher, Dakota Mermis, Gage Ausmus and Quintin Shore. Mermis and Shore are incoming Freshmen at DU.
Western College Hockey Blog has an interesting take on the event and questioned the selection criteria.
Neat idea that USA Hockey has come up with here. The more concentration on American hockey talent the better, IMO!
I love/hate these little pre-season camps and outings like this... it's great for them to get some exposure, get a work out and get thier name out there.... but it's also a possible opportunity to get injured... before your season ever gets underway :(
Go I say. Have fun, work hard.... but for God's sake be smart & be careful....
As a dad of son in this age group who was not named, there is perpective / opinion of many that is consistent to that expressed in Western blog.... USAH holds grudges
All amateur athletic groups have a political side,sometimes strong and sometimes minimal. It depends on which organization. it goes with the territory. If you see a dad involved watch out.
At anon 7:36 or your son just isnt very good
9:36 brings up a point not discussed too often. Parents. Most people are familiar with the stereotypical aggressive Dads and Soccer Moms typical of youth sports at a much younger age than college or Juniors.Does it still happen in college (hockey)? I would think not, given the nature of the sport - with billet families & such, kids living away from Mom & Dad. Plus, I wold think the Coaches squash any uprisings mighty quickly. And by the time you reach Division I hockey, there's just a certain way you carry yourself as a parent, and probably some unwritten rules. There's a monumental difference between a 8 year old playing pee wee and a 20 year old who's drafted by an NHL team. Or am I wrong?
Rumor was that Swami had an incident with a parent/family member at a DU game. But by sheer numbers, youth sports has far more incidents of parental rage.
At the college level, the parents of star players have a lot of leverage with the coaching staff.
Not unheard of for parents to call the coaches and ask for line combos or power play opportunities that will benefit their sons.
Most DU Parents hang out in the Crimson section, where you need a wrist band to enter (something else that's stupid at Magness - you cannot freely walk around the whole concourse).... now sure, they blend in with everyone pretty well and they don't old up signs that say, Hi I'm so-and-so's Dad....so you may have to ask around a little.... but the few who I've met were really nice, and like any parent, they're very proud of their kid, and they know thier hockey very well. Most of the local ones attend every home game; but parents weekend is when they all converge. They're good people.
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