DU Clarion: Boone's Shoes Too Big To Fill

From: DU Clarion
by Chris Bach

Officially, Boone is gone. We are in the process right now of trying to figure out his replacement and the new mascot of DU. Regardless, Boone and what he meant to some students and alumni will be impossible to truly replace.

DU is the home of the Pioneers. None of the replacement options, though, are pioneers. This will leave us with a mascot that does not match up with the symbol of our school. In that respect, it will be impossible to replace Boone because despite how anyone felt about him, he was a pioneer [read entire article].


5BWest said...

The 'remembering' of Boone ended when his image was scrubbed from the athletic mural. This PC group wants to eliminate the past and create the University in their idyllic world view...without explanation.

Anonymous said...

very well written article. Not an in your face rant but rather a somewhat understated choice of words which make the case for Boone even stronger.

old pio said...

I'd imagine Chris represents the vast majority of students. Especially the students who actually go to sporting events. And Tim is also right. Air brushing Boone from our walls won't air brush him from our memories. Air brushing Boone is totalitarianism writ small.

Anonymous said...

Nice to see that somebody who posts here actually goes to sporting events at DU. Oh wait, Chris didn't actually post here. Nevermind.

Anonymous said...

Many people who post here go to DU events live, and those who live elsewhere and watch games on TVs and computers are just as much a part of the fan base as those who see the games live.

We're all one Pioneer nation.

5BWest said...

Anon...I have attended East Coast and Denver games in basketball, lacrosse, and hockey this year. I hope to see you in Philly Saturday- you can buy me a beer.

Anonymous said...

Awww gin - still haven't figured out the difference between their, there and they're? Or to , too and two? It's ok skippy - we forgive

Anonymous said...


What is your e-mail address? I'd like to meet you in Philly.

5BWest said...


I'll be at the DU hospitality tent before the game.

BTW, DU fans can call the DU box office for tickets to the DU section. The weekend package is $110 for the three games and a one time $110 donation to the lacrosse program. Plus, the hospitalitiy tent was free in Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like timt made it to more games than old pio and the kid in the Boone costume combined.

old pio said...

It's all about me, isn't it, pinhead? Tell you what, I'll start flying in for every DU sporting event if you'll pop for my airfare, hotel, meals and car rental. Deal? Otherwise, how 'bout shutting the fark up? It's not hard to make it to these events if you're bunking in Mur-ray Manor.

Dunker said...

I think I have Timt89 beat. I don't know him, but he lives in the town next to mine in NJ. I am probably the only DU alum not working for DU who made these 4 games: DU hoops at Iona, DU hoops at WAC tournament in Vegas, DU-Loyola Lax, DU-UNH NCAA hockey. Never thought my ticket stub for DU-UNH game would be a collector's item.

Anonymous said...

If I pay for your airfare, hotel, meals and transportation, will you wear the Boone costume with the giant styrofoam head during the games?

old pio said...

We'd have to pull it out of your ass first, but sure.

Anonymous said...

old pio u mad bro?

Anonymous said...

White supremacists use the image of Pioneers to promote racist agenda.
See the posts from the racist news site: Stormfront.org


You say such images have no racist baggage, well the racists beg to differ and actually promote the celebration of such figures as an effective tactic to spread their propaganda. Aware or not Boone supporters only aid and promote such efforts.

How does it feel to be in such company?

Anonymous said...


Pass the popcorn.

Anonymous said...

I would guess that 90% of Coloradoans would not find western pioneers to be offensive. We are the majority culture here.

And Stormfront is a small organization of racists with virtually no impact on mainstream America. They can go screw themselves - I have no time for those types of extremists. Felt dirty even seeing that in my browser...

5BWest said...

Because racists misuse an image or icon, we must all think that way?

Ever read George Orwell's Animal Farm? “...all animals are equal. (you can)...make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?” In other words, you will think for us. Thanks but no thanks.

Anonymous said...

To be fair, the image on Stormfront was a simple mistake. One of the regulars posts here and on Stormfront. He just carried over the argument and image to the other forum.

Anonymous said...

I agree with timt89. Just because one of the primary Boone supporters here is a racist spewing out hate speech all over other forums doesn’t mean we all should be splashed with his old micturition.

old pio said...

BigBossMAN? BigGutlessMan? BigWhackdoodleMan?

Please specify who and what you're talking about. Or are you afraid?

Who is it who "casually" drops in on the Storm Front web page and just happens to find a post which, with considerable manipulation, can be turned into an attack on Boone and his supporters anyway? Still got that picture of Rudolph Hess over the toilet?

old pio said...

Be specific, oh gutless one. What are you referring to? And who? At least USCHO has pretty much put you in your place. Sooner or later, DG will too.

Anonymous said...

"Stop the violators!" -- anyone remember this line from the movie "PCU" from years ago? Complete satire of political correctness, and hilarious. On that satirical college campus, activists found issue with everything....however the movie is a comedy, a big huge joke. So is DU! I cannot believe that DU has taken such extreme hilarity to this end in reality. It is absurd that Boone has died within this administration. Those who call it racist- ahhh, find something more important to occupy your time. Or go enroll at PCU and throw raw meat at everyone to prove your point that eating meat harms animals and is racist against cows.