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(above) Hey Kids, you're violating DU's "Diversity Statement" |
Chancellor Coombe's PC Police are on patrol again and this time their failed priorities have made the Denver Post and Westword newspapers. A recent fraternity & sorority Cowboys & Indians party supposedly belittled Native American students' culture and spirituality, and the theme party also violated the University of Denver's "Diversity Statement."
If you're wondering why DU jacked up student tuition 3.5% next year, you only have to read the Denver Post article. DU actually has a paid "Assistant Provost for Inclusive Excellence." What this person actually does for $50,000 a year in salary and benefits was on full display in the Post article.
Back at the "Tepee Party" on the Driscoll Lawn, more than 100 students and other onlookers watched and listened as a succession of speakers described an ongoing lack of respect for Native Americans that includes continued use of stereotypes.
Westword has the details of the offending event that caused the uproar.
"An unusual event will took place yesterday on the University of Denver campus -- one prompted by another unusual event. At 4 p.m., students and administrators gathered near a tepee on Driscoll Green as representatives of two Greek Life organizations publicly apologized for a Cowboys and Indians theme party DU's Native Student Alliance dubs "piercingly offensive."
The bash, which took place on February 25, was sponsored by the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity and Delta Delta Delta sorority. Attendees were encouraged to outfit themselves as either cowboys or Indians. Those who made the latter choice donned what an Alliance release describes as "phony headdresses, face paint, loincloths and all manner of stereotypical viciousness."
DU administrators have spent the past six years running around banning Boone logos & mascots on campus, suspending a tenured professor for mentioning masterbation in class, embarrassing students who wear costumes to parties and holding mandatory dorm meetings every time some Freshman makes a homophobic comment.
As a recent DU Clarion editorial points out, just because DU is bending over backwards to admit minority students from elite private high schools or the children of wealthy Third-World industrialists doesn't really mean you are championing diversity.
"Inclusive Excellence" at the University of Denver has been, is now and will always be a complete failure. It hasn't increased minority enrollment, has made a mockery of diversity and is costing DU students a ton in wasted tuition. And now this story is sure to be picked up by newspapers around the country further tarnishing DU's good name.
The problem is a failed policy, not racist students.
Diversity, as preached by these pin heads,is the ultimate level of discrimination.
Clearly you can't allow 2,000 North Dakota hockey fans to waltz into Magness Arena in Sioux battle garb one night and then a week later turn around a enforce these stupid policies on our full tuition paying students. :-)
Diversity is the ultimate level of discrimination?
Please do explain!
Good Christ! DU is now officially up to its lips in bovine excrement.
Its what happens when well meaning policies run amuck.
Unreal. NCAA would be proud.
I think this must be the latest "micro-agression"...
Take the money DU is spending on Inclusive Excellence, fire all the "ding-dongs" running these programs and put the cash towards school spirit, the Pep Band and Cheerleader scholarships.
Give more scholarships to minority applicants and hire more minority faculty and bingo, problem solved.
Good thing it wasn't a blackface party...
So, we have probably a hundred kids doing something that, while not intentionally so, was could objectively be called somewhat racist. The the university thinks the barrier to inclusive excellence is a mascot drawn by Disney and designed to represent a Pioneer/trailblazer who happens to share a last name with a mildly controversial figure in American frontier history? Yeah, that one makes sense...
Or maybe pay the student body to go to hockey games.
Pay them? I don't think that's ethical.
CC gave students free t-shirts so they would show up for a TV game against UND in the 2010-11 season.
It seemed to work really well.
Lambda Chi had a party with Tri-Delt? What is the world coming to?!
I think the reaction to a Greek party was a little overblown, but it says in the article that the complaint was initiated by a student group. The DU administration didn't even know about the party beforehand. Did they have to respond in this way? Probably not.
Also, I have to disagree with the editorial's comment about wealthy minority students or Third World industrialists' kids. There are plenty of those on campus-my friend roomed with a Venezuelan oil-man's daughter freshman year-but there are also plenty of minority students at DU on scholarships. I happen to know the president of the Native American Students group and she definitely could not afford to go to DU without a scholarship.
I feel lucky to have attended DU. To be honest, the whole Inclusive Excellence thing didn't really affect me or my friends. It was sort of a joke we didn't pay much attention to. But I'm not sure it's really costing the school enough money that it represents the sole reason for tuition hikes. Yeah, tuition is high, but DU isn't the only university to keep raising tuition.
I hate to be this guy but the theme of that party is pretty racist. I guess Lambda has come a long way because when I was in school the theme of most of their parties was roofies and date rape.
Old Pio has it right. The PC world truly has gone nuts.
Excellence and Diversity are mutually exclusive. Excellence is a quest for perfection, a constant striving to be the best. Diversity co-opts Excellence by lowering standards, accepting something less than best. One can not pray to two Gods. One seeks Excellence, or one seeks Diversity. The two can not co-exist.
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