Mike Chambers stirred the pot this week when he labeled CC netminder Richard Bachman a "DU Reject" in the Denver Post.
"In a series billed as a battle between two of college hockey's best goaltenders, a defenseman made the best save Friday night in Game 1 of the University of Denver-Colorado College home-and-home set. CC sophomore Kris Fredheim helped freshman goalie Richard Bachman, a DU reject, defeat senior netminder Peter Mannino and the seemingly disinterested Pioneers 5-1 at the World Arena."Well a few CC losers took exception and started an email campaign to get Chambers fired (Ohh this is so scary).
Then to raise the ante, one moron even started a thread about the subject on the USCHO.com Message Board.
Eventually Chambers had to respond to the landslide of emails (around 10-15 or about half of the "hard-core DU Rejects" fanbase). More readers hitting his Blog; sneaky guy that Mike Chambers.
Of course we were thrilled to see that LetsGoDU was mentioned in the article.
Some DU fans, thanks, I’m sure, to the fun-loving stirrer-uppers at letsgodu.com, chanted “DU reject” during Saturday’s game at Magness Arena. Apparently Mr. and Mrs. Bachman heard the so-called insult and blamed it on me.Now wait just a cotton pickin' second. This is somehow our fault?
Lets just make this easy for the simpletons in Colorado Springs to understand.
DU = Peyton Manning
CC = Eli Manning
Richard Bachman = DU Reject
CC = Eli Manning
Richard Bachman = DU Reject
I'd say it's more like this:
DU = Tom Brady/Joe Montana/Peyton Manning
CC= Bobby Layne/Otto Graham/Y.A. Tittle
Cut that meat!
Apparently the truth hurts...
Too bad Chambers had to defend himself against all the mudslinging.
Some advice for CC fans, Bachman's parents, et al who found Chambers' choice of words "hurtful.": grow some thicker skin and get over it.
1. Take the time to read Chambers' comments and understand what he's saying. Don't take his words out of context and put your own spin on them.
2. If "reject" or "traitor" is the worst Bachman is called, consider him lucky. It's Division 1 athletics for crying out loud. People yell insults all the time.
You're not allowed to insult anyone in D1 hockey, especially Dave Hakstol. Don't ever insult Dave Hakstol, or even poke fun at him for that matter, he'll send his assistant after you.
Boosh has itty bitty hands.
Leave it to CC fans and that little twerp CCtig to get their panties twisted. CC fans are so easy--push their buttons and watch them act like little kids. I suspect that CCtig saw 14ers exortation to cut that meat then he asked Blly Sweatt if he could please stick it in his bun. As for Boosh and his Hackstool reference I've heard that good old coach Dave has contacted several bail bondsman to see about pre paid plans when his merry group of felons comes to town this weekend.
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