Chambers Stirs Badger Faithful & Pimps LetsGoDU

First the good news. Mike Chamber's Blog had two new postings today. No one is happier than us, as we love to see more DU hockey coverage from Denver's leading fishwrap.

Now the bad news. He digs up hours old Pioneer information from your favorite hockey blog and has the audacity to rip LetsGoDU on his way out the door.

We suspect that Chamber's must be receiving a commission from the Post on each "new comment" on his Blog, because he resorted to an old LetsGoDU trick. Bash Wisconsin, Minnesota or North Dakota and wait for the bile filled comments pour in. In this case poor Wisconsin, who's having a bad week fell for the bait.


Anonymous said...

That wasn't pimping, just a pat on the back. A compliment, indeed. -- MC

Anonymous said...

So if you and MC Numbnuts are just "baiting" opposing fans I guess that makes you both nothing more gutless internet trolls. Thanks!!!

dggoddard said...

I always thought that it would have been really funny to create a fake "internet feud" between Chamber's Blog and LetsGoDU kind of like Andy Kaufman and wrestler Jerry Lawler.

Anonymous said...

Donny....what does that make you? A nitwit loser who spends his time reading blogs run by gutless internet trolls. Get over yourself. If you rely on blogs as the #1 medium for information exchange you need mom and dad to start getting you out of bed for things other than watching cartoons.