This is just the type of national publicity the University of Denver could use as it wrestles with diversity issues and figures out how to pay faculty salaries.
After Chancellor Coombe "Caved In" on the Boone mascot, what figure represents us better than the GEICO Cavemen? By taking the decision on a mascot out of the student's hands, he's treating them like cavemen and cavewomen.
LMAO! Attention like this could help the administration rethink the disappointing Ban of Boone.
The administration ain't seen nothing yet.
Boone will not die with the support of DG. The issue is slowly spreading through email on campus.
Good job on getting the national attention. Trying to get my local paper to do something with it, but hockey ain't that big in TN. Keep up the good work - you're my source for college hockey news.
HAHA ... fantastic DG.
You own the internets right now.
I was always a fan of fruity pebbles. So good.
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