Denver Post: Metro Won't Steal DU's Brand

(above) LetsGoDU objected to Metro State's proposed name change earlier this year

From: Denver Post
by Karen Auge

Whatever they decide to call Metropolitan State College of Denver in the future, we now know one thing: it won't be "Denver State University."

"We have been given a very clear message from the legislature that we need to propose a different name," university President Stephen Jordan said in a statement this week.

Last spring, after a round of consulting with marketing specialists, and community leaders, and surveying students, Metro leaders chose Denver State as the school's new name (read entire article).


dggoddard said...

Keep in mind that Penn State was mistakenly called the "University of Pennsylvania" last week by the New York Times in an article about child molestation.

Anonymous said...

Take that dubbie.

Anonymous said...

que the requisite repsonse from the brain dead cctig.......

Anonymous said...

When it comes to facts and reality, the NY Slimes doesn't know it's ash can from a bird stocking

mexico slums @ metro :'( said...

Dudes! I totally boned some girl from Metro last week! She told me she went to DU but I met her on Craigslist and I totally knew better... Trash is trash! Right???

old pio said...

Remarkable self awareness

Anonymous said...

How much did she charge you Mexi?

mexico is old pio's dad said...

@ the poster child for test tube babies and the FDA's new head of ED. I like how you dodged my awesome sexual conquest... That Metro girl was hot and way out of my league! I hit a home run dude! She couldn't spell Minnesota but I left that alone.

Anonymous said...

Did she have a pulse?

Sandusky said...

Man, that Mexico is a suck f*. He really creeps me out.

Anonymous said...

Steal DU's Brand? Who are you kidding. DU will lose the public opinion battle to Metro. They already have in the comments both online and in print.

DU also represents Wall Street, while Metro represents Main Street. People will see this decision as overstepping by DU.