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(above) Michael Parks picks his nose while watching the Pioneers pummel North Dakota in Magness Arenaon Saturday night |
"The passion was dialed up to 10 by simmering bile, wild momentum shifts and a general lack of control by referees whose talents might be better suited to serving as hall monitors at an elementary school."Mark Kizla - Denver Post Columnist
On Senior Night at Magness Arena the University of Denver hockey team's season was hanging in the balance. To complicate matters, the University of North Dakota was brimming with confidence and swagger after dominating DU the night before. Luckily for PioNation, the team responded with a courageous effort and prevailed 5-3.
Pregame the Pioneers honored Seniors Nate Dewhurst, John Ryder, Luke Salazar, John Lee & David Carle. DU needed all of that Senior leadership to stay composed on Saturday night.
Chris Knowlton scored shorthanded and on the power play, and Nick Shore, Jason Zucker and Scott Mayfield each added a goal for Denver. Freshman Juho Olkinuora's 27 saves gave the Pioneers a lift in net.
Pregame the Pioneers honored Seniors Nate Dewhurst, John Ryder, Luke Salazar, John Lee & David Carle. DU needed all of that Senior leadership to stay composed on Saturday night.
Chris Knowlton scored shorthanded and on the power play, and Nick Shore, Jason Zucker and Scott Mayfield each added a goal for Denver. Freshman Juho Olkinuora's 27 saves gave the Pioneers a lift in net.
Btw, those asshat refs couldn't manage an intramural broomball game. It's disgraceful that they get the call for this match up time after time.
Was that Zucker's first collegiate goal last night? I felt like I was watching the world juniors when he scored.
Pretty sad when you have to be jersey pumping in your own barn.
I think the Denver Post editorial says it all about the officiating and the conduct of ND sioux goons.
DU got the job done last night with a gutsy gritty performance. The effort level was much better from the puck drop, and I'm glad everyone stepped up on senior night. Big big win.
Off to Omaha for the last series of the regular season. Hopefully last night's big win will serve as a springboard for (at least) the next 4 games.
Did you guys miss the DU player punch the ref in the face?? At least ND players go after other players and not the refs. Kiz is an idiot, he watches one hockey game a year. No matter what you DU fans say about ND, the team or any other thing else we will always know that you cant even sell out a 6200 seat arean against your supposed "rival" and that ND fans occupied it for two straight nights.
Perhaps the reason you fill your arena is due to the fact that there isn't anything better to do in GF. Once again you show how classless you are with your National Anthem chant. Pathetic is the word that comes to mind.
I'd rather win a game then sell out the barn.
The Greg Shepherd Family Jewels! One more year ! One more year! C'mon everyone... one more year! one more year! "This is our most desperate hour. Help me Jim Scherr.... you're my only hope"
Not one comment two days ago. Now more sh## talk.
You're a real class act.....more prunes, you sound backed up today.
UND fans: your team lost. Deal with it. No one cares that your fans have all left that pathetic state of yours and moved to much better places, like Colorado. I've never seen a fan base with a bigger inferiority complex than UND. Bunch of turds.
Thanks to the Sioux fans for filling our cash registers.
Maaaaaaannnn do I ever miss Alana Rizzo!! I didn't know what Jay Stickney looked like until last night. He's good. But Rizzo was better. Rizzo's always better.
What can you say about fans who wear green wigs, green fingernail polish and green suits?
green with envy?
We are below 12 in the P.W.R. That's all that matters. Need to,as a minimum, split next week to stay there.
Anderson and Shephard are just terrible. My favorite was the UND slash right in front of Shephard. No call and then the same player recovers the puck and scores seconds later. The bad calls/non-calls went both ways to be fair.
DU came out and played physical tonight. That made for a chippy game. DU's special teams made the difference. Power play was crisp and Knowlton's shorty was huge. UND's power play looked terrible.
Solid win!
Loved Kizla's editorial!
And last nght we beat the black shirts!
Ostrow was a tank last night, in the first he set the tone with his massive hits. One shift he had 3 guys hit hard including that goon MacWliams. Stickney said he had flu like symptoms maybe we should give him the flu every weekend. He always comes out and plays hard and sets the tone the Ostrow's always lead by example on the ice.
Ostrow was definitely in #beastmode. I liked when the announcer started to give Shawn credit for Nick's goal and then had to correct himself. Can't remember the announcer ever making a mistake like that. You can't blame him though, Ostrow was everywhere!
Our favorite CC poster "Skunkstool" has a serious man crush on Jason Zucker. Obessed, lonely and probably dangerous. Think John Hinkley with no dick.
Nice win by DU. Best moment? So many to choose from. Let's go with Joey Leggs getting on a step ladder to take a shot at that big ape Ben Blood. Nice going, kid.
The New York Islanders' brass had to be happy this weekend, after not only beating the Rangers; but also with the performances of 2 of their hopefuls, Mayfield & Nelson. Despite being opponents now, they'll both be working together at their camp this summer, and maybe one day skating on the same line together in Long Island.
As for the Sue, I like it better as a 4-game home & home series with UND, spread out like say in early October and Early January.
Terrible game Friday but good showing Saturday. Truthfully I expected a split from the start but not the effort on the Friday game. Saturday though was pretty even, breaking point was our short handed goal in the 2nd. You can tell DU took control of the ice after and capitalized on their Power Plays. I Ohki had a great game last night besides the one softy, but there was a lot of good to be found all round. Though DU needs a strong showing 3 out of 4 points next week in Omaha.
As for the refs... yeah, it's always interesting to see how Anderson is going to screw us over. Truthfully the boarding in the first I'll go with that but the "Headbutt" in the 2nd was total BS. That joke better not be in the National Collegiate Hockey Conference when we start that in 2013.
Mama Shore got her boys fired up!
Yah miller there is lots to do in CO except work or make money on a home. 8% unemployment? But hey enjoy all those medical marijuana shops I noticed.last time I was there.
Really wish your shit hole state could keep it's trash in it. Aspen snobs put a homeless man on a bus because "he'll find work in ND." Good job you elitist pricks.
Then not long after that two men, and men is a stretch for what these crack fiend fucks.should be called, kidnap and murder in Sydney MT. They bury her in ND.and claim to have no idea where.
The two kidknapp ers last known residence was Parachute.
The Sioux are such poor losers. When the guy, that I kicked in the back of the head for yelling home of the Sioux, regained consciousness in the third period -he kept whining that his head hurt. Geez, take it like a man.
OK, I'll be a man and give credit where credit is due. I hate North Dakota, and I too am convinced that the state's population is largley mentally handicapped and/or alcoholic. It royally pisses me off when they yell during the Star Spangled Banner.... BUT.. I have a heart-warming story to tell. Last night, we got to the arena very friggin early, and the girl was rehearsing the National Anthem on the PA. I noticed one NoDak Sue fan, actually standing, and he even removed his hat in respect to our great country.... for her practicing. I thought that was great. Thank you, whoever you are. Or, where you actually that intoxicated that you believed the game was about to begin? LOL
I think that one thing all WCHA fans can agree on, regardless of who you are a fan of, Anderson and Shepard SUCK...together or separate!!!! How does DU always get them as the refs when we play cheater/diving teams, with classless fans like UND and CC.
You know, most DU fans don't particularly like the Gofers but at least their fans are not rude, classless and sore losers...none of their fans posted snarky, pointless comments on the DU blog.
The Shepherd we usually complain about is Derek (#3) not Brad (#33).
That's what North Dakota is missing. Unemployed losers hurling balloons of piss at one another. Classy.
Wonder how many Coloradans have moved to North Dakota ? Few.
Wonder how many North Dakotans have moved to Colorado? Many.
The Sioux Fans in Magness have little to do with travel and everything to with escape from the Frozen tundra to relative paradise.
Fine, North Dakota is pristine and amazing without any unemployment. Feel better?
Hockey team is still a bunch of thugs who play the dirtiest, cheapest hockey of any team out there, and their fans are a bunch of assholes in mullets and windbreakers. Worse than al-Qaeda.
Does it really matter which Shepard it is we complain about? They both suck, Brad and Derek. And Anon. 7:44 the Zucker jersey pumping was not because of a "first goal". It was being waved at the classless Sioux fans in the crowd...why is that hard to see?
Poor, poor Denver. Take off your !@#$ing Pioneer glasses, douchebags. I was at both games and your players are far from being saints. Look in a bloody mirror !@#holes.
Had to get that off my chest because you online Pio fans who post anonymously are just idiots.
With that said, the actual Pioneer fans that I sat next to were for both nights were awesome. Talked the game with them and hockey in general. I may hate the team but every DU fan that I talked to were very nice. Had a great time.
Dirtiest, cheapest hockey? Yeah that's why players like Toews, Oshie, Praise, Stafford, and Zajac have such horrible reputations of being dirty NHLers. Over react much?
wow u DU most have medical dogs because you're blind. How u honestly sit there and say we are the dirtiest do u not watch any other hockey besides 2 games a year you attend or watch on tv playing UND. I love hockey in general and watch all levels so I know dirty stuff happens in all games in every level. To come off saying we're The Oakland raiders of college hockey, no one likes us and no kid goes there for education. Who's classless now do some damn research before you pop off. We have have some goons slash dirty players so does every other team to a certain point. Be man enough to post your name and not anonymous or the post to mean crap
What is the difference between Pioneer and Sioux fans?
Sioux fans come on here in droves to shit on Pio fans.
While DU fans don't go on Sioux sports to shit on Sioux fans.
That tells you everything you need to know.
It's called grammar, Joey. When used properly it can be your friend...then there's how you use it.
Anon @ 10:43pm:
You know what the other difference is? DU's online fanbase consists of about maybe 10-15 people.
Not enough avid DU fans to give yourself enough of an online presence besides being on this blog and 3-5 Pio fans who take the time to post on USCHO.
Anon @ 10:43 I just get sick of the ND is a frozen wasteland this and that bullshit. We all no it's cold up here, why can't ya'll accept it?
I also know that I'm starting to see CO plates moving north for some of the thousands of jobs we have available. Lots of them starting at 90k and above in the oil patch.
Sure beats working at Jersey Mikes in Westminster for 10.50/hr. But damn it one day you'll use that 150,000 dollar degree from DU and become a manager.
With that, GO SIOUX! I hope these two teams meet up again in the future. Cause believe it or not I respect DU as a team of skill and good coaching. Part of the reason why this series is so much fun. We parrallel each other in alot of areas.
*Please note that I did not rip on one player as they really are just kids. Talented as all hell kids, but none the less.
Our athletic department needs to control the sale of tickets to North Dakota fans. They need to either require dental records showing a full set of teeth or give them an urban IQ test (whats a traffic light?, how do you flush?, other than ND- is it legal to marry your sister?)
Lol, I thought this was a hockey blog.
Joey Lahaise....send me your number and email, homeboy. I'll pay your way to writing school. My 6-year old nephew's writings look like Shakespeare compared to your drivel.
Joey LaNutsack shows his lack of intelligence with every word he types. Mastery of the English language is apparently of no importance to you.
"We have have some goons slash dirty players"
Two words, one name = Ben Blood
Joey showing off the skills he learned at Univ of North Dakota?
Blood is a hack. Destined for a career in the ECHL.
Got love internet retards thinking there awesome shit because a dude makes typos and misspells.
DU people are so smaht and badass on the interwebz. Too bad there are so few of you. Very unfortunate that the rest of Colorado doesn't give two shits about the University of Denver.
"Got love internet retards thinking there awesome shit because a dude makes typos and misspells."
LOL CO-Man. Totally agree. It's lame to bitch about typos and misspells. However, only somebody who is really dumb couldn't figure out the correct word(s) to use. One might say, "they're/they are really dumb". You'd be an idiot to say "there really dumb".
We all know, a goon can appear on any team; it's just uncanny how they seem to appear on the North Dakota team year after year. That tells me, it's encouraged and accepted by the coaches. I mean heck; there's classic footage on youTube of Eades going apeshit as a player. More recently, Hextall comes to mind; and perhaps one of the most mentally screwed-up players of all time, Bina. Please tell me how that jello brain earned a college degree.
Bina mentally screwed up? Not sure where you are getting that from. Are you thinking of that Minn. guy? Forget his name....was it Hirsh?
You know, Sioux fans (as least the ones who post here) strike me as being of two minds on this business of UND's reputatiion for rough play. It's something they defend against here but secretly revel in. They tell the children scary tales of massive hits and injuries they've inflicted over the years. But cry like babies when it's pointed out by opponants.
I grew up in the western 'burbs of Chicago. And we had real, live gangsters living in our community, and I went to school with some of their kids. People like Anthony "the ant" Spilotro (the guy Pesci played in "Casino," Sam "teets" Bataglia, Sam "momo" Giancana (who pimped for JFK) and Tony "big tuna" Accardo, the Babe Ruth of gangsters, who ran the Chicago mob for nearly half a century and was never convicted of any crime. Me, I enjoyed taking friends and visitors on the "gangster tour of homes." And I took (and still take) a perverse pride in having these guys in the 'hood.
The point is--UND has earned this reputation over the decades. Built on it, taken pride in it, used it to intimidate opponants and recruited guys they think will maintain it. Yet many of their fans continue to deny what the rest of the world knows, and what they secretly love.
My only suggestion for Sioux faithful is stop debasing yourselves by denying what your team is. You've got the reputation. You've earned it. Stop being hypocritical about it.
Interesting post Old Pio. I like the analogy. And, I'd probably take pride in the play of the Sioux if I were from Grand Forks. I'd hope I'd be mature enough to recognize it for what it is though.
I gotta say though, you got nothing on my old hood. I'm repping Mylie Cyrus and that kid from the Sixth Sense that sees dead people. Lol.
I think that's the best thing I've ever read that was written by Old Pio.
Ditto on Old Pio's comments...it was a home run post!
I guess the denial steams from slight insecurity and extremely low IQ's. They should just step to the plate and acknowledge that they are thugs and losers. They also stole the Sioux name...as I have cited in the past, if they were the Kohler Fighting Toilets, they couldn't use that name because they have no rights to its use. They are bullies and cretans.
It's not that I don't think my beloved Fighting Sioux don't play a rougher brand of hockey. It's that DU fans much like Gopher fans think that their team never spear, slash, or run their mouths. The whole DU players are angels schtick is sickening.
Many of us have criticized DU players, such as Zucker, for being undisciplined. We're not entirely clouded in our judgment. It tends to be more on-off on a team like DU because the emphasis has generally been on finesse- this is the biggest DU team I remember seeing in a long time. But Zucker stirs shit up- he did against UM, he did for sure last weekend. Some of us will own up to Paukovich.
Tough, gritty, often trashy play just seems to be more of a cultural norm for UND, which coincidentally or not generally has more size as well.
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