"Of course, CC hasn’t won a national championship since 1957, nor has it taken home the Broadmoor Trophy, awarded to the WCHA Final Five champion, in the 30 years that it has existed. Critics of Owens – there are a lot more than you’d think for a program that’s routinely a national power – were fired up on Internet message boards before CC lost at home this month against Michigan Tech in the first round of the WCHA playoffs. Now, a few fans are demanding CC rescind the long-term contract it gave Owens in December." [Read entire article]
Must have been a quiet day at the Gazette with lots of time to reflect on the obvious. Scotty 'the Walrus' Owens teams fade quickly...hmmmm. Other article topics considered:
--The Pike Peak COG Rail is Steep!
--Many of the Rocks at Garden of the gods are red!
--Broadmoor rooms are expensive!
--It is windy around Cave of the Winds!
Ah, the mediocrity continues
CC's big problem is the second half of the WCHA meatgrinder wears down their players.
@ Anon 8:57...
No excuse. Every WCHA team has the same problem.
CC's 'Super Bowl' is the Gold Pan. They seem to pack it in and the program goes into total collapse once their road trips don't include I-25.
Maybe they need to get 'excited' about their entire schedule...
It's not the grind of the WCHA which does CC in, it is actually all the meat-grinding which occurs amongst the team. Amazingly, scotty has been able to control the team's collective mono outbreaks recently.
The trials and tribulations of being Colorado's third best college hockey team can be immense...
I love how DU goes 30+ years without a title, and then they get a couple and they are college hockey gods. BC went through a similar drought and look at them now. You never know. Crow doesn't taste good.
Owens will look good when you can't lock Gwoz up.
Come on......Gold Pan is DU's Super Bowl too. Thats the only game I have ever seen the DU student body care about. Empty seats is all I see when I go to Magness.
Owens looks good in a Ron Jeremy look a like contest. Otherwise he's worthless. DU would never consider him.
Scotty might look good in a hot dog eating contest.
DU would maybe consider him for a future Zamboni driver opening.
Some suggestions to get CC back on track.
--Take down the building on campus with the most pottery wheels and build a campus stadium.
--Ditch the black and yellow cartoon Tiger...he only strikes fear into someone who has artistic sensibility.
--Give the hockey team foam gloves for Christmas so they don't squeeze the sap out of their sticks the rest of the season.
--Take the 'grow lights' out of your dorm rooms and see if you can grow ivy on the boards at World Arena. This works in Chicago. Cubs fans have fallen for this for years -- heck, even they would be happy with your level of unmitigated failure!
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