LetsGoDU Goes Back To School

You'll be pleased to know that LetsGoDU been invited to talk to two Freshmen classes about the "Boone Debate" and that LetsGoDU is now required reading in some classes at DU.

Needless to say I immediately accepted the offer to help educate America's future leaders and entrepreneurs. The LetsGoDU Mentoring Program™ will commence next Thursday.
My name is ________, and I'm currently teaching two classes to at DU in which I devote class time to investigating the controversy surrounding our defunct mascot, Boone. In doing so, I've done my best to include well thought-out commentary and argument from those who would both have Boone back and those who have advocated for his retirement. In fact, I've included a link to your blog to give them an example of how voices from the community are framing the issue and discussing it.

Helpful as that has been to them, I think it would be even more useful to have them exposed in person to someone who is invested in the issue and has been active in the controversy at some level. I wonder if you would be at all interested in visiting our class to discuss your opinions on this issue with my students? This would give them a concrete voice to imagine regarding the issue as they write about it, and perhaps make their attempts at voicing their written opinions more informed and aware.


Anonymous said...

This is great news! Will you be grading on a curve? This would be the only way I could pass.

dggoddard said...

Gwoz needs to send over all his "problem students." All hockey players will get an "A" :-)

Twister said...

Are you now known as Professor Goddard?

du78 said...

This has trouble written all over it ;-)

Anonymous said...

and in a related story...DU has begun installing Obnoxious Gas detectors in all of its buildings.